Statistics Canada International Symposium Series: Proceedings

Journals and periodicals: 11-522-X

Description: Since 1984, an annual international symposium on methodological issues has been sponsored by Statistics Canada. Proceedings have been available since 1987.
Frequency: Annual
Available formats: PDF, Paper (discontinued), Symposium/Workshop (discontinued), CD-ROM
TitlesRelease dateMore Information
Symposium Series: Proceedings, 2022 Data Disaggregation: building a more representative data portrait of society, 2022001March 25, 2024
A proposal for the problem of matching probabilities estimation in record linkage - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
A case study of using Splink: Census duplicate matching - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
A Model-based Disaggregation Method for Estimation of Adult Competency - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
Labour Force Survey initiatives under Statistics Canada’s Disaggregated Data Action Plan - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
Application of sampling variance smoothing methods for small area proportion estimation - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
ABS DataLab output checking tools - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
Statistical disclosure control and special focus groups: A European perspective - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
Reconstruction attack risk using Statistics Canada Census Data - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
Toward a system of integrated statistical data on education and training - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
Children born into vulnerability: Challenges encountered in a Quebec longitudinal survey - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
Survey Series on People and their Communities - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
Modelling intra-annual measurement in linked administrative and survey data - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
Measuring the number of food aid recipients - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
Evaluating sampling methods for ethnic minorities - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
Bayesian model assisted design-based estimators of the size, total and mean of a hard-to-reach population from a link-tracing sample with initial cluster sample - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
From theory to practice: Lessons learned from implementing the Network Sampling with Memory method - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
Integration of existing data to develop an ethnicity indicator in the LSDDP - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
Probabilistic or deterministic? Linkage methods tested for the Résil program - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
Record linkage techniques to identify 2021 Canadian Census dwellings in the new Statistical Building Register - ARCHIVEDMarch 25, 2024More information
Statistics Canada International Symposium Series: Proceedings, 2021, 2021001November 5, 2021
Integrating Machine Learning into Coding of the 2021 Canadian Census Using fastText - ARCHIVEDNovember 5, 2021More information
Statistics Netherlands and AI - ARCHIVEDNovember 5, 2021More information
Machine Learning Classifier Evaluation Criteria: application to price statistics - ARCHIVEDNovember 5, 2021More information
Need for Speed: Using fastText (Machine Learning) to Code the Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDNovember 5, 2021More information
Data science pipelines @ Istat: challenges and solutions - ARCHIVEDNovember 5, 2021More information
An Approximate Bayesian Approach to Improving Probability Sample Estimators Using a Supplementary Non-Probability Sample - ARCHIVEDOctober 29, 2021More information
Relative Performance of Methods Based on Model-Assisted Survey Regression Estimation - ARCHIVEDOctober 29, 2021More information
Nowcasting Finnish real economic activity using traffic loop data - ARCHIVEDOctober 29, 2021More information
Growing Regression Trees that Use Sampling Frame Covariates to Explore Response Burden for Use in Survey Design - ARCHIVEDOctober 29, 2021More information
Evaluation of respondents' participation in the survey of Information and Communication Technologies usage in Enterprises (ICT) - ARCHIVEDOctober 29, 2021More information
Generating smart deep files: the example of synthesizing hierarchical data - ARCHIVEDOctober 29, 2021More information
Supervised Text Classification with Leveled Homomorphic Encryption - ARCHIVEDOctober 29, 2021More information
Collaborative Data Science within Government of Canada: Development of R libraries for common tasks with Open Canada data - ARCHIVEDOctober 29, 2021More information
Administrative data for the estimation of population counts: Statistical learning from the first waves of Italian Permanent Population Census - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 2021More information
Measuring the undercoverage of two data sources with a nearly perfect coverage through capture and recapture in the presence of linkage errors - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 2021More information
Physician experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States: Adapting an annual survey to assess pandemic-related challenges - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 2021More information
Creation of a composite quality indicator for administrative data-based estimates using clustering - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 2021More information
Harnessing Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning to Enhance Identification of Opioid-involved Health Outcomes in the National Hospital Care Survey - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 2021More information
Applying the data science approach to COVID-19 epidemiological modelling to inform PPE demand and supply in Canada - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 2021More information
Statistical Disclosure Control and Developments in Formal Privacy: In Memoriam to Chris Skinner - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 2021More information
Empowering analysts to consider the ethics of their work: A case study of the UK Statistics Authority's data ethics framework - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 2021More information
Survey Data Integration for Regression Analysis Using Model Calibration - ARCHIVEDOctober 15, 2021More information
Responsible use of machine learning at Statistics Canada - ARCHIVEDOctober 15, 2021More information
Predicting transitions into and out of poverty using machine learning - ARCHIVEDOctober 15, 2021More information
Bridging the gap between the displaced and in-demand occupations - ARCHIVEDOctober 15, 2021More information
Advances in the use of auxiliary information for estimation from nonprobability samples - ARCHIVEDOctober 15, 2021More information
Modernizing Construction Indicators Through Machine Learning and Satellite Imagery - ARCHIVEDOctober 15, 2021More information
Statistics Canada’s Seasonal Adjustment Dashboard - ARCHIVEDOctober 15, 2021More information
Random Forest models, a proposal for the analysis of selective editing strategies - ARCHIVEDOctober 15, 2021More information
Statistics Canada International Symposium Series: Proceedings, 2016 - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016
Methodological Challenges in Official Statistics - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
The Alternative Data Solution – Experience of the Producer Prices Division - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Challenges and results in using Audit trail data to monitor Labour Force Survey data quality - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Statistics Canada’s Household Survey Frames Programme – Strategic Research Enabling a shift to increased use of Admin Data as Input to the Social statistics program - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Road Congestion Measures Using Instantaneous Information From the Canadian Vehicle Use Study (CVUS) - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
The Data Warehouse and analytical tools to facilitate the integration of the Canadian Macroeconomic Accounts - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Using Administrative Records to Evaluate Survey Data - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Big Data: A Survey Research Perspective - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
A Case Study in Administrative Data Informing Policy Development - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Towards an integrated census-administrative data approach to item-level imputation for the 2021 UK Census - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Comparing Survey Data to Administrative Sources: Immigration, Labour, and Demographic data from the Longitudinal and International Study of Adults - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Student Pathways and Graduate Outcomes - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Estimating the effects related to the timing of participation in employment assistance services using rich administrative data - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
An International Overview of Open Data Experiences - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Statistics Canada and Open Data - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Exploring Canada’s Open Government Portal - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Assimilation and Coverage of the Foreign-Born Population in Administrative Records - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
When Race and Hispanic Origin Reporting are Discrepant across Administrative Records Sources: Exploring Methods to Assign Responses - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
The challenges of linking and using administrative data from different sources - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Using data linkage to evaluate the consistency of place of residence between census data and tax data - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Estimating internal migration: Issues related to using tax data - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Towards a Quality Framework for Blends of Designed and Organic Data - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Statistical Modeling for Errors in Record Linkage Applied to SEER Cancer Registry Data - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Sampling Procedures for Assessing Accuracy of Record Linkage - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Finding a Needle in a Haystack: The Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of Assessing Disclosure Risk for Contextualized Microdata - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
A Modern Job Submission Application to Access IAB’s Confidential Administrative and Survey Research Data - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Enhancing data sharing via "safe designs" - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Privacy and Security Aspects Related to the Use of Big Data – progress of work in the European Statistical System (ESS) - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Practical Applications of Secure Computation for Disclosure Control - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Hypotheses Testing from Categorical Survey Data Using Bootstrap Weights - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Better Adjusted Weights for Respondents in Skewed Populations - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Record Linkage between the 2006 Census of the Population and the Canadian Mortality Database - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Estimating the Impact of Active Labour Market Programs using Administrative Data and Matching Methods - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
An Overview of Business Record Linkage at Statistics Canada: How to link the “Unlinkable” - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Linking Canadian Patent records from the U.S. Patent office to Statistics Canada’s Business Register, 2000 to 2011 - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Measuring the Quality of a Probabilistic Linkage through Clerical-Reviews - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
On the Utility of Paradata in Major National Surveys: Challenges and Benefits - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
A Bayesian analysis of survey design parameters - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Statistics Canada’s Experiences in Using Paradata to Manage Responsive Collection Design for Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview Household Surveys - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Redesign of the longitudinal immigration database (IMDB) - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Creating a longitudinal database based on linked administrative registers: An example - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Use of Administrative Data to Increase the Efficiency of the Sample Design for the New National Travel Survey - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Using Administrative Data to Study Education in Canada - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Challenges Associated with Using Scanner Data for the Consumer Price Index - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
The QU-method: A new methodology for processing scanner data - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
A look into the future - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Comparing Canada’s Healthcare System: Benefits and Challenges - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
A Systematic Review: Evaluating Extant Data Sources for Potential Linkage - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Providing Meaningful and Actionable Health System Performance Information: CIHI’s ‘Your Health System’ Tools - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Epidemiological observatory on Brazilian health data - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Data surveillance on the clinical data used for health system funding in Ontario - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Data Science for Dynamic Data Systems: Implications for Official Statistics - ARCHIVEDMarch 24, 2016More information
Symposium 2014: Beyond traditional survey taking: adapting to a changing world, 2014 - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014
Survey Sampling In Official Statistics - Some Thoughts On Directions - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Explorations in Non-Probability Sampling Using the Web - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Using Web Panels for Official Statistics - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Measurement Properties of Web Surveys - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
The challenges of producing statistics for the Web: sampling and automated data collection of webpage information in the Brazilian Web - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Usability of the ACS Internet Instrument on Mobile Devices - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Canadian Vehicle Use Study: Electronic Data Collection - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Challenges and Lessons Learned with the Implementation of Car Chips in the Fuel Consumption Survey - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
The Potential Use of Remote Sensing to Produce Field Crop Statistics at Statistics Canada - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Integration of the Electronic Questionnaire: Impact on the Collection Process and Results of the Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Multimode surveys from the perspective of total survey error - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Measurement Error for Welfare Receipt and Its Impact on Fixed-Effects Models - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Modeling Self-enumeration and Follow-up Response Indicators as Discrete-time Survival - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Making Use of Administrative, Big and Survey Data: An Assessment of the Quality of Canadian Wetland Databases - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Design-based Estimation with Record-Linked Administrative Files - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Properties of measures of usual daily energy expenditure - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Managing Quality in a Statistical Agency –A Rocky Road - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Chronic-disease surveillance in Quebec using administrative file linkage - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Overcoverage in the 2011 Canadian Census - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Useful functionalities for record linkage - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Administrative Records in the U.S. Census for Group Quarters Frame: Merits and Drawbacks - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
What Big Data May Mean for Surveys - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Big Data as a Data Source for Official Statistics: experiences at Statistics Netherlands - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
A Big Data Pilot Project with Smart Meter Data (abridged version) - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Towards the 2021 UK Census imputation strategy: Response mode as a matching variable in a donor-based approach? - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Requirement: Collect less. Our mission: Do the best we can. - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Introducing Adaptive Design Elements in the Panel Study “Labour Market and Social Security” (PASS) - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Testing Collection Strategies for Online Self-Reporting Surveys - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Modelling complex households and communities—Example of Demo4: Demographic module of the SustainCity project - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Web panel surveys – a challenge for official statistics - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
On Bias Adjustments for Web Surveys - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Are they willing to use the web? First results of a possible switch from PAPI to CAPI/CAWI in an establishment survey - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Different contexts for the statistical use of administrative data - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
A Framework for the Evaluation of Administrative Data - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
The 2011 National Household Survey public use microdata file methodology: How to balance the requirement for more information and the requirement for low risk of disclosure in the microdata - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Study of the “product” sampling scheme as illustrated by the ELFE survey - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Organization of data collection and matching for the epidemiological surveillance of workers who may be exposed to nanomaterials in France (EpiNano) - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Estimation with Non-probability Surveys and the Question of External Validity - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Demosim's Population Projection Model: Updates and New Developments - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Projections of Aboriginal Families and Households in Canada - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Automatic Coding of Occupations - ARCHIVEDOctober 31, 2014More information
Symposium 2013: Producing Reliable Estimates from Imperfect Frames, 2013 - ARCHIVEDOctober 21, 2014
Strategies for Standardization of Methods and Tools - How to Get There, 2011 - ARCHIVEDDecember 10, 2012
Symposium 2009: Longitudinal Surveys: From Design to Analysis, 2009 - ARCHIVEDOctober 3, 2012
Symposium 2010: Social Statistics: The Interplay Among Censuses, Surveys and Administrative Data, 2010 - ARCHIVEDSeptember 15, 2011
Symposium 2008: Data Collection: Challenges, Achievements and New Directions, 2008 - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009
Opening remarks of the Symposium 2008: Data Collection: Challenges, Achievements and New Directions - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
International surveys: Motives and methodologies - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Statistics Canada collection business architecture: Overview of the approach, lessons learned and future plans - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Organisation of data collection methodology services in the Australian Bureau of Statistics - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
The organisation of collection functions at Statistics New Zealand - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Achievements and challenges: An overview of data collection methodology at the UK Office for National Statistics - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Searching for the silver bullet: Are EIA's current tools adequate for designing and testing EIA business surveys? - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
"Don't touch that ..., you don't know where it has been!": Computer assisted personal interviewing and question recycling - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Development and implementation issues for a survey question on sexual identity - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Testing for the 2011 Census of Canada - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Selection models for evaluating assumptions of methods that compensate for missing values in sample surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
The effect of non-response follow-up in a Survey on Living Conditions among Immigrants in Norway - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Nonresponse bias analysis using reluctant respondents who responded after receiving monetary incentives - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Statistics Canada's computer-assisted personal interview monitoring program - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Computer audio-recorded interviewing (CARI): A tool for monitoring field interviewers and improving field data collection - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
CARI: A tool for improving data quality now and the next time - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Methods for avoiding non-response bias in academic business surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Telephone data entry as the primary mode of response to short term surveys at the Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Comparisons of collection follow-up score functions - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Evaluation and treatment of non-response in the ELFE cohort: Results of the pilot studies - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
The reliability of children's survey responses: The impact of cognitive functioning on respondent behavior - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Data collection for the health component (2008-2009) of the Longitudinal Study of Child Development in Quebec (ÉLDEQ) - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Ethical and privacy challenges of involving children in research on sensitive issues: The experiences of Amajuba Child Health and Wellbeing Research Project (ACHWRP) - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Off-line questionnaires at Statistics Netherlands: The Annual Structural Business Survey example - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Experiences with multimode surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
New usage of Blaise: Biometrics inputs - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
The Dutch Taxonomy Project in a statistical context - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Generalized quality control for optical data capture at Statistics Canada - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
iCADE the data capture system of the U.S. Census Bureau - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
A web based high school transcript and course catalog keying and coding system - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Dynamic survey design managed by modeled paradata - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Evaluation of the coverage of linked Canadian Community Health Survey and hospital inpatient records - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Profiling physical activity patterns among women in Manitoba: What does "moderate" mean? - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Writing and revising questionnaire design guidelines - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Multi-mode data collection: What can still be expected? - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Indicators for the representativeness of survey response - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Building a business case for census Internet data collection - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Mailing census questionnaires: Results from 2006 and plans for 2011 - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Changes in the management of data collection operations for the Canadian Census in 2011 - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
A Census of Population based on an administrative Register - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Company-centric communication approaches for business survey response management - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Prioritizing business respondents to target important non-response - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Achieving data coherence for complex enterprises - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
The Internet: A new collection method for the Census - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Going Web-only in a complex enterprise survey: Experiences and lessons learned - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Accuracy of travel data samples: Utilizing online vs. mail methodologies - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Can we make official statistics with self-selection web surveys? - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Interaction between data collection and sample design: A plus in a complex selection process? - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Accounting for uncertainty in the evaluation of data collection costs and data quality under partitioned designs for the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Surveys - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
New initiatives in data collection for the Canadian Community Health Survey - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Using paradata to estimate the average time it would take respondents to complete a computer assisted telephone interview questionnaire - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Non-response in a random digit dialling survey: The experience of the General Social Survey's Cycle 21 (2007) - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
An update on "a time to interview" - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Using paradata to manage nonresponse in the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Data collection research using paradata at Statistics Canada - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Identification of optimal call patterns for intensive follow-up in business surveys using paradata - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Effects of number of call attempts on nonresponse rates and nonresponse bias: Result from some case studies at Statistics Sweden - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Keeping in touch with project participants between surveys: A mailing experiment - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Is there really any benefit in sending out introductory letters in Random Digit Dialling (RDD) surveys? - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Methodological issues in anthropometry: Self-reported versus measured height and weight - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Correcting self-reported estimates of obesity: Can we more closely approximate measured values? - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Measurement and follow-up of the response burden from enterprises by the register of data providers concerning enterprises and organizations at Statistics Sweden - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Developing Statistics New Zealand's respondent load strategy - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Measuring respondent burden in the UK Office for National Statistics - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Reducing the number of cognitive interviews by adding other cognitive methods of testing - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
How to develop business surveys continuously in a cyclic model - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
The National Routing System: Administrative data collection in real-time - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
The challenges of the use of administrative data in the Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Use it or lose it: Mining municipal administrative data - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Collecting crime data in Canada - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Incorporating audio file information in survey data collection - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Coherence analysis: Improved quality of National Accounts - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Enhancements to data collection: The Real Time Data Management System (RTMS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Closing remarks of the Symposium 2008: Data Collection: Challenges, Achievements and New Directions - ARCHIVEDDecember 3, 2009More information
Symposium 2006: Methodological Issues in Measuring Population Health, 2006 - ARCHIVEDJune 26, 2008
Simulation-based randomized systematic PPS sampling under substitution of units - ARCHIVEDJune 26, 2008More information
Measuring health in population surveys - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Mixed linear nonlinear aggregate level models for small area estimation from surveys of binary counts - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Using the t-distribution to deal with outliers in small area estimation - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Robust Bayesian predictive inference for the finite population quantile of a small area - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Robust mean squared prediction error estimators of EBLUP of a small area total under the Fay-Herriot model - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Methodological challenges in analyzing nutrition data from the Canadian Community Health Survey - Nutrition - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Obesity rate differences between U.S. and Canadian women and between U.S. and Canadian men: Findings from the Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Studying scenarios of nutrition intervention: the example of soft drinks - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Measurement error in life history data - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Flexible models for analyzing longitudinal data in population health - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Complex sampling design based familial longitudinal health data analysis: an overview - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Estimation of attributable number of deaths and standard errors from simple and complex sampled cohorts - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Methodology of evaluating the quality of probabilistic linking - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Merging area-level census data with survey and administrative data - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
A case study in using model-assisted estimation to integrate survey and administrative data - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Deterministic and probabilistic record linkage - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Combining information from two surveys to improve on analyses of self-reported data in estimating measures of health - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Variable selection models for weight trimming - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Evaluation of methods for outlier detection and treatment in the U.S. Survey of Occupational Illnesses and Injuries - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Combining cycles of the Canadian Community Health Survey - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Learning the unique and peculiar challenges of direct health measures surveys: the Canadian experience - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
The U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: what forty years of experience has taught us - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Direct health measures surveys in Finland - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
The analysis of population-based case control studies - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Bootstrap methods for analyzing complex sample survey data - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Estimation of regression parameters with survey data - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Data sparseness in contextual population health research: effects of small group size and cluster analysis on linear and non-linear multilevel models - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Causal inference in observational studies using health administrative data - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Wireless substitution in the U.S. and Canada: prevalence and impact on random-digit-dialed health surveys - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Exploring the impact of mode on key health estimates in the National Health Interview Survey - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Impact of telephone versus face to face repeat 24-hour recall interviews on food and nutrition surveys - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Accounting for a significant methodological change in analyzing Canadian Community Health Survey data - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
On reuse of clusters in repeated studies - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Sample design of the Canadian Health Measures Survey - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Challenges in the design of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Measuring the health of populations: the conceptual and analytic approach of the Global Burden of Disease Study - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
International comparisons in measuring health states: experiences from the world health surveys - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
A research agenda for developing comparable measures of functional health status for use in population surveys - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Application of statistical disclosure methods to the Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program Database - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Masking for discrete variables - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Creation of public use micro-data files for the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Disclosure risk and variance estimation - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Methodological issues in measuring the mental health of children and young people in Great Britain - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Sampling the Maori population in the 2006/2007 New Zealand Health Survey - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Development and testing of a caregiver-proxy child health questionnaire for the New Zealand Health Survey - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Discussion and presentation of the disability test results from the Current Population Survey - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Opening remarks of the Symposium 2006 : Methodological Issues in Measuring Population Health - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Closing remarks of the Symposium 2006 : Methodological Issues in Measuring Population Health - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Estimating sample size for complex surveys: building consensus in an environment of multiple hypotheses, multiple stakeholders and limited budgets - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
The effect of model specification on multiply imputed data: lessons learned from Project DC-HOPE - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Validation of qualitative methodology applied to a multidimensional instrument with an open question - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Development and design of the Ontario Tobacco Survey - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Modelling life expectancy at birth in small cities in Canada - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Immigrant populations and myocardial infarctions - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Geovisualization of health and social capital data derived from Statistics Canada surveys - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Hospital separations: identification of records for use in tabulating national injury data - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Health studies using administrative hospital data - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Exploring the impact of participant reluctance on data quality in the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
The impact of unconditional incentives upon a multi-stage survey: the Health Survey for England - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
A comparison of self-reported primary mental health care utilization in the Canadian Community Health Survey with respondents' provincial health - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Impact of number of repeat 24 hour recall interviews on estimation of usual intakes from food and nutrition surveys - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Estimating child BMI growth curves for Canada - ARCHIVEDMarch 17, 2008More information
Symposium 2005: Methodological Challenges for Future Information Needs, 2005 - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007
Paradata from Concept to Completion - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Providing spatial data for secondary analysis: issues and current practices relating to confidentiality - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Quality-preserving controlled tabular adjustment: a method for resolving confidentiality and data quality issues for tabular data - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Data swapping is not the panacea - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Common metadata constructs for statistical data - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Documenting data elements in statistical agencies - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Discovering microdata variables: Comparing DDI compliant documentation to an ISO/IEC 11179 metadata registry - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Respondent relations challenges for obtaining agricultural data - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Holistic response management of business surveys - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Data quality challenges in the survey of principals - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) recent innovation in collecting business statistics - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Interplay between sample survey theory and practice: an appraisal - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Indirect two-phase sampling: an application to questionnaire field-testing - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Interviewer falsification detection using data mining - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Evaluating high effort measures for studying nonresponse bias - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Model estimation for selectivity of attrition, employment and wages using the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Estimating mediated effects in health and epidemiogical research - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Single frame estimation in multiple frame survey - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Linearization variance estimators for model parameters from complex survey data - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Responding to new data demands for comparative research and multilevel analysis: the contextual database of the Generations and gender program - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
The redesign of the Dutch business register - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Redesigning the UK's business register and business surveys to enable production of better economic statistics - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
The redesign of Statistics Canada's business register - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Data documentation initiative (DDI) in the real world - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Delivering the metadata: An RDC experience - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Progress in collecting business data - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Imputing distributions in administrative tax data - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Use of administrative data for structural business statistics - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Communicating variances for interpretation of changes and turning points in repeated surveys - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Discrimination coefficient of variation: an improved measure of precision of estimates - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Variance information for data users - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Communicating variance and sampling errors to users - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Quarterly Services Survey analysis of response - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Combining administrative and respondent data by the monthly Survey of Manufacturing - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Model-assisted approaches to complex survey sampling from finite populations using Bayesian networks: a tool for integration of different sources - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Dealing with missing survey data in longitudinal analysis - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Incorporating time-in-sample in longitudinal survey models - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Taking stock: the future of longitudinal surveys - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Data collection challenges at Statistics Netherlands - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
An active management approach to survey collection - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Solutions for data collection challenges: using process data for responsive design - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Regression with latent variables - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Methods for longitudinal binary data with missing observations - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Impact of informativeness of the sample design on statistical inference - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Using the postal code as merge key for independent data files: matching data from the Canadian Census and an administrative file of school test scores in Quebec - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Estimating undercounting of vehicle-related injury cases in New Zealand: a probabilistic data integration and capture-recapture approach - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Getting around a conceptual difference between two data sources when producing estimates - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Health studies using linked administrative hospital data - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Statistical disclosure control: legal framework and methodological aspects - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Anonymisation and release of the EU-SILC database: confidentiality issues in an international environment - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
ISQ's approach for statistical control of disclosure of tables prepared from demographic events - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Statistical disclosure control of sensitive tabular data by complementary cell suppression: myth & reality - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Quality measures related to the telephone first contact collection process in the Labour force survey - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Quality measures for enhanced quality of statistics in the European statistical system - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Measuring quality in a national statistical organization - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Modeling survey contact in the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Growth models: an interesting approach to study the evolution of the health status of the elderly - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Longitudinal Surveys, Retrospective Information and Population Health Measures - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
An Overview of Socio-economic Surveys in Vietnam: Methods, achievements and challenges - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Quality indicators when combining survey data and administrative data - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Opening remarks Symposium 2005: Methodological Challenges for Future Information Needs - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Closing remarks of the Symposium 2005: Methodological Challenges for Future Information Needs - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2007More information
Symposium 2004: Innovative Methods for Surveying Difficult-to-reach Populations, 2004 - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005
Network sample surveys of rare and elusive populations: A historical review - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Data collection: Sometimes all it takes is a little persuasion ... in the form of information - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
A tailored approach strategy for young moroccans and turks for the Dutch Family and Fertility Survey - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Surveying Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples: Strategies and methodologies of the Australian Bureau of Statistics - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Aboriginal data initiative: Survey component - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Network sampling with a bayesian approach - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Extensions of the indirect sampling method and its application in tourism surveys - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Adaptive Web sampling for difficult-to-reach populations - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Estimating the size of IDU population using needle exchange programs - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Methodological challenges in a survey on the ethnic and cultural diversity of the Canadian population - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
A multivariate analysis of nonresponse among ethnic minorities - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
The experience of sensitive surveys in France - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Variation in disability rates in Statistics Canada national surveys: Building policy on a slippery foundation - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Hard to count populations in the 2001 and 2011 UK censuses - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
A menu-driven system used to collect, track, monitor, and summarize youth smoking cessation programs across the United States - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Center sampling: A strategy for surveying difficult-to-sample populations - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Creating common ground to participate in surveys - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Innovative approaches to interviewing people with disabilities - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
INED's 2002 Survey of Homeless People Contacted by Itinerant Services - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Thoughts on the future of surveys - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Experiences in testing questionnaires with specialized populations - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Assessing comprehension of translated questionnaires with qualitative methods - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Strategies for surveying American Indian and Alaska Native communities - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
The challenge of collecting information on the involvement of aboriginal people in the Canadian criminal justice system - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Partnering with local experts to recruit a probability sample of a Cambodian community - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Link-tracing sampling with an initial sample of sites sequentially selected: Estimation of the population size - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Applications of adaptive sampling procedures to problems in public health - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
A permanent sample as a sampling frame for difficult-to-reach populations? - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Improving the quality of estimates for a low-income population: Use of a dual frame in the survey of household spending - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Challenges in the survey of electronic commerce and technology - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Influential observations from rare subpopulations in establishment surveys - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Constructing frames to target difficult-to-reach business survey populations - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
A review of strategies for surveying rare and difficult to reach populations in ONS's establishment surveys - ARCHIVEDOctober 27, 2005More information
Symposium 2003: Challenges in Survey Taking for the Next Decade, 2003 - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005
Survey research in the next decade: Prospects and challenges - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Dealing with movers in a longitudinal study of children - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
The weight share method and the European Survey on Income and Living Conditions - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Tracing and non-response adjustment for the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
The coverage of population in Census 2000: Challenges in measurement - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
2006 Census data capture redesign - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Evaluation and adjustment for non-response in the Canadian Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Replication variance estimation for the two-phase National Resources Inventory - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Variance estimation in two-phase sampling - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
A plan for co-ordinating surveys at the National Agricultural Statistics Service - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Breaking new ground in data collection: Electronic data reporting at Statistics Canada - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
International adoption of questionnaire development, evaluation and testing methods in establishment surveys - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Research and analysis to better understand data collection activities - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
What was the question? Methods for monitoring the quality of interviewing techniques - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Conceptual model for the definitional metadata of a statistical agency - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
2006 Census of Canada: Strategic direction and issues - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
The reengineered 2010 Census - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
The use of mobile computing devices for data collection: Challenges for implementing field operations - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Statistical disclosure control for tables: Determining which method to use - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Applications of statistical disclosure control methods - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Regression servers for confidential data - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Seasonal adjustment of short series - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Some properties of the seasonal adjustment diagnostics in X-12-ARIMA - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Adjustment of seasonally adjusted series to annual totals - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
From design to deep plumbing: Writing and disseminating on - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Developing statistical literacy in youth: Statistics Canada's education outreach program - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Census at School: Collecting and disseminating real data for real learning - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Future challenges for methodology for official statistics - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Use of sparse-effect models to characterize bias-efficiency trade-offs in the analysis of complex survey data - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Semiparametric regression technique for complex survey data - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
A design-based procedure for the analysis of experiments embedded in complex sample surveys - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
The Behavioural Risk Factor Surveillance System reweighting for child estimates - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Weighting method used in the French Construction des Identités Survey - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Estimating fixed effects and variance components in a random intercept model using survey data - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Measurement of health care utilization in Canada: Agreement between surveys and administrative records - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Reporting on the quality of seasonal adjustment process at the Statistical Office for the European Commission - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Use of tax data: An application of goods and services tax (GST) data - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Providing a global picture - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
To turn over or not to turn over? Combining registrations and probability models on surveys to estimate the activity status of enterprises - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Combining information from multiple surveys through the empirical likelihood method - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Implementing new statistical techniques - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Calmar 2: A new version of the Calmar calibration adjustment program - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Commitments to survey improvement: Making them real with new tools - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Making data quality visible in practice - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Using quality and risk to determine investment in official statistics - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Producing small area estimates from national surveys: Methods for minimizing use of indirect estimators - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Developing small area estimates in the UK: A practitioner's perspective - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Practical issues in model-based small area estimation - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Resampling methods for MSE estimation with non-linear small area models - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
An alternate methodology for estimating variance components - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Inference for totals in cluster sampling under mean imputation for missing data - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
A dual-frame estimation approach for surveys with non-response follow-up - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
New approaches to editing and imputation: Selected results and experiences from the EUREDIT project - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Calibrated imputation in surveys under a quasi-model-assisted approach - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Using auxiliary information to choose between alternative sampling designs in a survey with several key variables - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Getting the most out of the portfolio of UK Government Household Surveys: The office for National Sstatistics' plans for an Integrated Social Survey, the Continuous Population Survey (CPS) - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Follow-up Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating: Lessons learned from the pilot test - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
A strategy for a system of coverage samples for an integrated census - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Theoretical and practical problems in constructing the MSX: How can the precision of regional extensions of national surveys be improved through additional sampling? - ARCHIVEDJanuary 26, 2005More information
Symposium 2002: Modelling Survey Data for Social and Economic Research, 2002 - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004
Bias reduction in standard errors for linear regression with multi-stage samples - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Comparison of design-based and model-based methods in analyzing complex health survey data: A case study - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Interval censoring of smoking cessation in the National Population Health Survey - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Association between income adequacy and asthma prevalence in Canadians - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Application of the delete-a-group jackknife variance estimator to analyses of data from a complex longitudinal survey - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Multiple imputation of missing income data at the individual and family levels using sequential regression imputation: Application to the National Health Interview Survey - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Examples of multiple imputation in large-scale surveys - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Area-level models using data from multiple surveys - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Obtaining cancer risk factor prevalence estimates in small areas - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
A comparison of approaches to modelling health and environment - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Does the region you live in make a difference for your health? - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Simulation study to assess the precision of the two-stage cluster survey for injection safety - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Modelling the impacts of colorectal cancer screening in Canada using POHEM - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Perfoming logistic regression on survey data with the new surveylogistic procedure - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
The analysis of survey data using Stata: Some recent developments - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Bridging multiple-race responses in the U.S. Census to single-race categories for the calculation of vital rates - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Long-term consequences of secondary school vouchers: Evidence from administrative records in Colombia - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
An investigation into the development and testing of a methodology for updating census indicators - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
WesVar: Software for analyzing data from complex surveys - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
A system for variance estimation due to non-response and imputation (SEVANI) - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Covariance structure modelling with complex survey data - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Using IRT and factor scores in regression and other analyses: A review - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Analysis of dose-response relationships on complex survey data - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Inferences for finite populations using multiple data sources with different reference times - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Optimal calibration estimators in survey sampling - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Regression estimators for the 2001 Canadian Census - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
In search of optimal survey designs - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Accuracy estimation with clustered dataset - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Linking family recomposition with children's living arrangement after parental separation - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Longitudinal analysis of LabLongitudinal analysis of Labour Force Survey Data - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Provincial differences in high school achievement: Do schools matter? - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Bias reduction in standard errors for linear and generalized linear models with multi-stage samples - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
A causal event history approach to interrelated family events - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Modelling and analysis of duration data from longitudinal surveys - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Analyzing developmental trajectories: An overview of a group-based approach - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Another look at the regression discontinuity design - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Use of the qualitative business and consumers survey for analysis and economic modelling - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
The dynamics of income in four countries - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Analysis of complex survey data using inverse sampling - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Some flexible regression techniques for complex surveys - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Use of generalized variance function models in inference from social and economic survey data - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Closing remarks of the Symposium 2002: Modelling Survey Data for Social and Economic Research - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Opening remarks of the Symposium 2002: Modelling Survey Data for Social and Economic Research - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Keynote address - ARCHIVEDSeptember 13, 2004More information
Symposium 2001 - Achieving Data Quality in a Statistical Agency: A Methodological Perspective, 2001 - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002
The EU Labour Force Survey : on the way to convergence and quality - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
The importance of a quality culture - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Ensuring the quality of the labor force estimates from the Current Population Survey : a total survey perspective - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
The unified enterprise survey - its approach to quality - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Large and complex surveys - discussion - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Data accuracy: how good are our usual indicators? - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Testing the mode effects in the Finnish consumer survey - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Data collection methods for the 2001 Census of Agriculture - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Improving measures of crime: sample adjustments to police crime data - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Evaluating the reasonableness of data: using cross ratios and chi-square measures - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Data detectives: uncovering systematic errors - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
An information-rich environment: linked-record systems and data quality in Canada - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Still rolling: Leslie Kish's "rolling samples" and the American Community Survey - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Leslie Kish: development of statistics internationally - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Recent developments in electronic data collection at the U. S. Census Bureau - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Statistics New Zealand: recent developments in electronic data collection - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Electronic data reporting - Recent developments at the Australian Bureau of Statistics - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
On measuring the quality of indirect small area estimates - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Evaluation of small area estimation methods - An application to unemployment estimates from the UK LFS - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Evaluating frame coverage and activity of micro-businesses in sawmilling in the UK - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Quality assurance challenges in the United States' Census 2000 - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Korea's experiences in statistical quality assessment - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Benchmarking the performance of statistical agencies - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Coordinating samples using the microstrata methodology - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Editing and imputation in a standard economic processing system - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Aligning estimates by repeated weighting - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Designing a questionnaire on the confidentiality perceptions of business respondents - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Strategies to implement electronic collection of multiple worksite report data - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Report of tests of strategies to increase response rates from physicians - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Preventing non-response in the Canadian Community Health Survey - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Cut-off sampling and estimation - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Collecting vehicle use data: the Canadian Vehicle Survey experience - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Procedures to account for entries in business surveys - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Measuring the electronic economy at the U.S. Census Bureau - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
The development of the UK annual business inquiry - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Redesign of the French Census of Population - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Building quality in Census 2000 - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
The census coverage survey - the key element of a one number census - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Correcting for non-response in indirect sampling - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Using national registrations to correct for selective non-response: political preference of ethnic groups - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Nonresponse bias analyses at the National Center for Education Statistics - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Using matched census-survey records to evaluate the quality of survey data - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
A method for short-term estimation of labour input using current preliminary data from administrative sources having coverage errors - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
The French survey of homeless people using shelters and soup kitchens - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
The confidence of an optimal sampling size based on previous data - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
A comparison of a modified Tillé sampling procedure to Poisson sampling - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Hot deck imputation for the response model - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Estimating interviewer effects for binary responses - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
The effect of record linkage errors on statistical inference in cohort mortality studies - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Quality measurement- Eurostat experiences - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Developing new quality indicators in social surveys - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Response rates as an effective tool in managing data quality - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Estimating sampling errors for movements in the UK index of production - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
The data quality study of the Canadian discharge abstract database - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
The quality of indigenous identification and other demographic data in Australian hospital morbidity records - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Data quality in the National Hospital Discharge Survey - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Quality of hospital morbidity data - discussion - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Disclosure auditing in rounded tables - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
On disclosure protection for non-traditional statistical outputs: kernel density estimators - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
2002 Economic Census electronic style guide - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Usability testing and cognitive interviewing to support economic forms development for the 2002 U.S. economic census - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Data collection initiatives and the collection of business data in the Office for National Statistics - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Are representative internet surveys possible? - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
The challenge of improving the quality of internationally comparable data - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Summit of the Americas Regional Education Indicators Project: data quality challenges - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Commercial telephone samples and component outcome rates - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Data estimation in the uniform crime reporting (UCR) program - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Coverage issues in the Canadian Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
A statistical analysis of response rates - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Quality measurement and reporting in the UK Office for National Statistics - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Qualifying quality: issues of presentation and education - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Role of the Integrated Metadatabase at Statistics Canada - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Communicating quality: discussion - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Construction of imputation cells for the Canadian Labour Force Survey - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Evaluating the impact of alternative edit parameters on data quality - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Challenges in developing and implementing new data editing methods for business surveys - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Optimization techniques for edit validation and data imputation - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Methodological problems raised by an international survey - The International Adult Literacy Survey - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Response error reinterview of the 1999-2000 Schools and Staffing Survey - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Estimation of simple and correlated measurement variance when first and second interview use different survey modes - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Interview cooperation and procedural response quality - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
How important is accuracy? - ARCHIVEDSeptember 12, 2002More information
Leslie Kish's impact on survey statistics [Symposium 2001] - ARCHIVEDJuly 5, 2002More information
Statistics Canada International Symposium Series: Proceedings, 2000 - ARCHIVEDDecember 6, 2000
Symposium 99 - Combining Data from Different Sources, 1999 - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000
Combining census, survey, demographic and administrative data to produce a one number census - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Statistical processing in the next millennium - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
The challenges of using administrative data to support policy-relevant research: The example of the longitudinal immigration database (IMDB) - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Combining administrative data with survey data: experience in the Australian survey of employment and unemployment patterns - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Project of linkage of the Census and Manitoba's health care records - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Modeling labour force careers for the lifepaths simulation model - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
The U.S. manufacturing plant ownership change database: Research possibilities - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Creation of an occupational surveillance system in Canada: Combining data for a unique Canadian study - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Meta analysis of bioassay data from the U.S. national toxicology program - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Particulate matter and daily mortality: Combining time series information from eight U.S. cities - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Uncertainties in estimates of radon lung cancer risks - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Overview of record linkage - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Creating and enhancing a population-based linked health database: methods, challenges, and applications - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
A comparison of two record linkage procedures - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
An evaluation of data fusion techniques - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
A donor imputation system to create a census database fully adjusted for underenumeration - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Integrated media planning through statistical matching: Development and evaluation of the New Zealand panorama service - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Fusion of data and estimation by entropy maximization - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Spatial statistics and environmental epidemiology using routine data - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Factors associated with nursing home entry for elders in Manitoba, Canada - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Combining aggregated survey and administrative data to determine needs-based health care resource allocations to geographic areas in Ontario - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Estimation using the generalized weight share method: The case of record linkage - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Dual system estimation and the 2001 Census coverage surveys of the U.K. - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Simultaneous calibration of several surveys - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Diagnostics for comparison and combined use of diary and interview data from the U.S. consumer expenditure survey - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Combining data sources: Air pollution and asthma consultations in 59 general practices throughout England and Wales - A case study - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
A method of generating a sample of artificial data from several existing tables: Application based on the residential electric power market - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Using meta-analysis to understand the impact of time-of-use rates - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Meta-analysis of population dynamics data: Hierarchical modelling to reduce uncertainty - ARCHIVEDMarch 2, 2000More information
Longitudinal Analysis for Complex Surveys, 1998 - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999
Cycle 2 and beyond: Preparing and storing longitudinal data of the National Population Health Survey - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth: Confidentiality and remote access - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Recent development of software to analyse longitudinal studies: Examples from the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Multilevel models for repeated binary outcomes: Attitudes and vote over the electoral cycle - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Random effects models for longitudinal data from complex samples - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Multilevel modeling of complex data structures with multiple unit membership and missing unit identifications - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Weighting versus modeling in adjusting for non-response in the British Labour Force Survey: An application to gross flows estimation - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Calculation of weights for the European panel of households: A comparison of some indicators based on variables selected to correct for homogenous categorical non-response - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
A new longitudinal processing system for the Survey of Income and Program Participation - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Estimation of gross flows from complex surveys adjusting for missing data, classification errors and informative sampling - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Mobility matrices and computation of associated precision - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
A latent class model for the transition from school to working life in presence of missing data - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Tools for inference on dynamics of low income status - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Evaluating nonresponse adjustment in the Current Population Survey (CPS) using longitudinal data - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Calculation of change for annual business surveys - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Variance estimation in longitudinal studies of income dynamics - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Marginal models for repeated observations: Inference with survey data - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Estimating the incidence of dementia from longitudinal two-phase sampling with nonignorable missing data - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Weighting and variance estimation for the exploration of possible time trends in data from the U.S. Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
The Long-term consequences of growing up with a single parent - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Probability of victimization over time: Results from the U.S. National Crime Victimization Survey - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
An increment-decrement model of secondary school progression for Canadian provinces - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Estimation with partial overlap longitudinal samples - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Multivariate logistic regression for data from complex surveys - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information
Parameter estimation for a finite mixture of distributions for dichotomous longitudinal data: Comparing algorithms - ARCHIVEDOctober 22, 1999More information