Income from Owner-occupied Housing, 1969 to 2011: New Evidence from the Survey of Household Spending and the Survey of Financial Security - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11-626-X2015054


This article in the Economic Insights series uses data from the latest cycles of the Survey of Household Spending and the Survey of Financial Security to examine trends in the implicit income derived from owner-occupied housing. Covering the 1969-to-2011 period, the article updates previous estimates of the returns to housing in order to assess the implications of the shifting economic environment of the late 2000s.

Issue Number: 2015054
Author(s): Brown, W. Mark; Dar-Brodeur, Afshan

Main Product: Economic Insights

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLDecember 10, 2015
PDFDecember 10, 2015