Full-time Employment, 1976 to 2014 - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11-626-X2015049


This Economic Insights article addresses three questions: (1) How has the full-time employment rate - the percentage of the population employed full time - evolved since the mid-1970s overall? (2) How has the full-time employment rate changed across age groups, education levels, sex, and regions? (3) To what extent have movements in full-time employment rates been driven by changes in the socio-demographic characteristics of Canadians and by changes in labour market participation rates, unemployment rates, and part-time employment rates?

Issue Number: 2015049
Author(s): Hou, Feng; Morissette, René; Schellenberg, Grant

Main Product: Economic Insights

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLJuly 9, 2015
PDFJuly 9, 2015