Postsecondary Enrolment by Parental Income: Recent National and Provincial Trends - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11-626-X2017070


This Economic Insights article documents postsecondary enrolment rates among 19-year-olds over the 2001-to-2014 period by province of parental residence, parental income and sex. The data are drawn from the T1 Family File. Postsecondary enrolment is determined by the tuition, education and textbook credits on the personal income tax files. Parental income refers to the adult-equivalent, after-tax income of parents, expressed in 2014 constant dollars. Youth are grouped by parental income quintiles.

Issue Number: 2017070
Author(s): Frenette, Marc

Main Product: Economic Insights

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLApril 10, 2017
PDFApril 10, 2017