Provincial and Territorial Economic Accounts: Data Tables - ARCHIVED

Tables: 13-018-X

Description: These data tables provide a provincial and territorial perspective on Canadian economic developments. They include statistical tables organized in a manner similar to those in the Income and Expenditure Accounts, for each of the provinces and territories. The focus is on gross domestic product, final domestic demand, personal disposable income and government sector accounts. The tables include data beginning in 1981, and is no longer being released.
Notes: This product has been discontinued as of November 2011. The last issue of this publication was for 2010. Data tables are available through CANSIM (free).

Continues catalogue number 13-213-XDB, 13-213-DDB, Provincial Economic Accounts, Annual Estimates and Provincial Economic Accounts, Annual Estimates - Day of Release with the 2007 Preliminary Estimates issue released April 28, 2008.

Frequency: Occasional
Available formats: HTML (discontinued)