Portrait of the mobility of Canadians in 2006: Trajectories and characteristics of migrants - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 91-209-X200400010665

Description: Part 2 of this paper analyses the characteristics of migrants. It offers a model for identifying the socioeconomic characteristics influencing the probability of migration and the choice of destination. The results of such a model provide a better understanding of the impact of internal migrations on the socioeconomic composition of communities. In this article, the authors analyze the migration flows of Canadians between 2001 and 2006 using the 2006 Census data. First, the major internal migration movements are described at various geographic levels. The results can show certain phenomena that have marked the 2001-2006 intercensal period, such as the overall decline in mobility, the attraction exercised by Alberta, the urban expansion and the outflow of young people from rural areas. Second, various migrant characteristics are examined using a multivariate statistical model including several types of destination. The results help better understand the socio-demographic characteristics associated with mobility status, such as age, marital status, education, family structure or immigrant status.
Issue Number: 2004000
Author(s): Dion, Patrice; Coulombe, Simon
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLJuly 23, 2008
PDFJuly 23, 2008