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The proportion of federal government employees working in the Ottawa–Gatineau region continues to grow

The title of the graph is "The proportion of federal government employees working in the Ottawa–Gatineau region continues to grow".
This is a line chart.
There are in total 15 categories in the horizontal axis. The vertical axis starts at 25 and ends at 33 with ticks every 1 points.
There are 1 series in this graph.
The vertical axis is "%".
The units of the horizontal axis are years ranging from 1997 to 2011.
The title of series 1 is unknown.
The minimum value is 27.1272233098056 occurring in 1997.
The maximum value is 32.4647550776583 occurring in 2011.

The proportion of federal government employees working in the Ottawa–Gatineau region continues to grow
1997 27.1272233098056
1998 27.7631173522153
1999 28.6535066529799
2000 29.2553235584929
2001 29.3660779375004
2002 29.3916067166169
2003 30.0346058624793
2004 30.133282882705
2005 30.1357069185352
2006 30.5421317859254
2007 30.7940560136223
2008 31.3329183754398
2009 31.660454754918
2010 32.110025837442
2011 32.4647550776583
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