The Daily

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time

Private and public investment, 2014 (intentions)

Public and private organizations and the housing sector intend to invest $404.5 billion in construction and machinery and equipment in 2014, up 1.4% from 2013.

Canada's population estimates: Subprovincial areas, July 1, 2013

On July 1, 2013, 24,517,700 people, or over two-thirds (69.7%) of the Canadian population, were living in a census metropolitan area (CMA). Canada's three largest CMAs together (Toronto, Montréal and Vancouver) were home to more than one in three Canadians (35.2%).

Farm Product Price Index, December 2013

Railway carloadings, December 2013

Poultry and egg statistics, December 2013

Repair and maintenance services, 2012

New products and studies

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