Chart 2
Quarterly change in operating profits

% change -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 II 2010 III IV I II 2011 III IV I II 2012 III IV I II 2013 III IV I II 2014 III IV I II 2015
CANSIM table 187-0002.

Chart Description

The title of the graph is "Quarterly change in operating profits."
This is a column clustered chart.
The vertical axis is "% change."

Quarterly change in operating profits
  % change
Second quarter 2010 -5.1
Third quarter 2010 1.2
Fourth quarter 2010 8.6
First quarter 2011 11.0
Second quarter 2011 1.2
Third quarter 2011 1.4
Fourth quarter 2011 0.1
First quarter 2012 1.0
Second quarter 2012 -6.4
Third quarter 2012 2.8
Fourth quarter 2012 3.9
First quarter 2013 0.7
Second quarter 2013 5.0
Third quarter 2013 -0.9
Fourth quarter 2013 -2.2
First quarter 2014 3.6
Second quarter 2014 1.3
Third quarter 2014 4.8
Fourth quarter 2014 -9.1
First quarter 2015 -10.6
Second quarter 2015 12.9
CANSIM table 187-0002.
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