Table 1 
Travel between Canada and other countries – Seasonally adjusted 

Travel between Canada and other countries – Seasonally adjusted
July to August 2015
  thousandsthousandsthousands % change1
Canadian trips abroad2 5,364 4,723 4,553 -3.6
To the United States 4,483 3,742 3,556 -5.0
To other countries 882 981 997 1.7
Same-day car trips to the United States 2,516 1,989 1,877 -5.6
Total trips, one or more nights 2,811 2,700 2,644 -2.1
United States3 1,929 1,719 1,647 -4.2
Car 1,136 982 915 -6.8
Plane 693 652 647 -0.8
Other modes of transportation 101 85 85 -0.7
Other countries 882 981 997 1.7
Travel to Canada2 2,144 2,339 2,323 -0.7
From the United States 1,687 1,870 1,865 -0.2
From other countries 457 469 458 -2.4
Same-day car trips from the United States 594 660 658 -0.4
Total trips, one or more nights 1,395 1,501 1,494 -0.5
United States3 954 1,047 1,051 0.4
Car 561 627 633 0.9
Plane 285 308 312 1.2
Other modes of transportation 108 112 107 -4.3
Other countries4 440 454 442 -2.5
Travel to Canada: Top overseas markets,5 by country of origin6        
United Kingdom 61 65 63 -4.3
France 43 42 42 -0.3
China 43 43 41 -5.0
Germany 31 29 28 -2.0
Australia 26 27 27 -1.5
Japan 24 24 25 2.3
South Korea 15 17 17 -0.4
India 16 17 17 -2.6
Mexico 16 17 16 -9.0
Hong Kong 12 13 13 -0.3
Brazil 11 11 11 1.0
Italy 11 11 11 0.1
CANSIM tables 427-0004, 427-0005 and 427-0006.
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