Table 1 
Gross operating balance of provincial, territorial and local government subsectors, 2013 

Gross operating balance of provincial, territorial and local government subsectors, 2013
  Provincial and territorial governments Health and social service institutions Universities and colleges School boards Municipalities and other local public administrations
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollarsmillions of dollarsmillions of dollarsmillions of dollars
Newfoundland and Labrador -460 286 253 19 230
Prince Edward Island -35 27 31 -44 38
Nova Scotia -422 -34 495 -130 280
New Brunswick -505 -82 161 0 388
Quebec 193 726 2,846 751 4,577
Ontario -10,538 1,390 5,339 1,836 7,907
Manitoba -328 -55 316 353 634
Saskatchewan 290 203 396 108 932
Alberta 2,778 112 963 282 5,359
British Columbia -171 1,554 1,326 928 2,725
Yukon 69 50 1 0 16
Northwest Territories 179 -17 -2 13 84
Nunavut 234 -1 -5 0 61
CANSIM tables 385-0034, 385-0035, 385-0036 and 385-0037.
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