Chart 3
Indexed median real hourly wages of women in full-time jobs, by age, 1981 to 2015

number (1981=100) 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 17 to 2417 to 24 25 to 3425 to 34 35 to 5435 to 54 55 to 6455 to 64
The sample consists of paid workers aged 17 to 64 who were employed full-time in the main job they held in May (in December for 1984). Hourly wages are deflated using a province-specific Consumer Price Index (all items).
1981 Survey of Work History, 1984 Survey of Union Membership, 1986 to 1990 Labour Market Activity Surveys, Labour Force Surveys, 1997 to 2015.

Chart description

This is a line chart.

Indexed median real hourly wages of women in full-time jobs, by age, 1981 to 2015, number (1981=100)
  17 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 54 55 to 64
1981 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
1982 97.5 100.8 101.5 99.2
1983 94.9 101.6 103.0 98.5
1984 92.4 102.4 104.5 97.7
1985 87.6 101.6 105.2 95.2
1986 82.7 100.9 106.0 92.7
1987 85.2 99.6 106.2 93.9
1988 92.4 99.2 106.5 101.3
1989 85.6 99.9 107.0 103.6
1990 88.6 99.5 107.2 98.2
1991 87.7 99.6 108.6 99.8
1992 86.7 99.7 110.1 101.3
1993 85.7 99.8 111.5 102.9
1994 84.8 99.9 113.0 104.4
1995 83.8 100.0 114.5 106.0
1996 82.8 100.1 115.9 107.5
1997 81.9 100.2 117.4 109.1
1998 81.2 101.9 115.5 107.5
1999 84.7 101.9 116.4 111.3
2000 83.2 103.1 117.0 108.9
2001 85.3 104.1 115.3 109.7
2002 88.0 104.6 117.4 106.1
2003 85.6 106.0 116.5 111.6
2004 84.1 105.6 117.7 115.0
2005 82.7 105.2 118.3 112.3
2006 88.3 106.4 119.4 116.3
2007 87.6 107.9 120.7 119.3
2008 93.1 110.7 123.4 120.7
2009 97.7 114.8 126.8 121.7
2010 92.7 112.3 127.5 123.2
2011 95.2 110.6 126.6 119.6
2012 93.8 112.8 127.3 122.4
2013 96.0 116.3 131.4 126.5
2014 94.3 115.8 130.9 124.7
2015 97.0 115.5 134.4 122.1
The sample consists of paid workers aged 17 to 64 who were employed full-time in the main job they held in May (in December for 1984). Hourly wages are deflated using a province-specific Consumer Price Index (all items).
1981 Survey of Work History, 1984 Survey of Union Membership, 1986 to 1990 Labour Market Activity Surveys, Labour Force Surveys, 1997 to 2015.
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