Table 1 
Travel between Canada and other countries – Seasonally adjusted 

Travel between Canada and other countries – Seasonally adjusted
December 2016 to January 2017
  thousandsthousandsthousands % change1
Canadian trips abroad2 4,421 4,369 4,601 5.3
To the United States 3,436 3,342 3,582 7.2
To other countries 985 1,027 1,019 -0.7
Same-day car trips to the United States 1,822 1,708 1,847 8.2
Total trips, one or more nights 2,570 2,632 2,724 3.5
United States3 1,584 1,606 1,705 6.1
Car 874 849 932 9.8
Plane 628 677 689 1.9
Other modes of transportation 83 80 83 3.6
Other countries 985 1,027 1,019 -0.7
Travel to Canada2 2,438 2,509 2,586 3.1
From the United States 1,952 1,957 2,027 3.6
From other countries 486 552 559 1.3
Same-day car trips from the United States 708 670 683 2.0
Total trips, one or more nights 1,589 1,685 1,747 3.7
United States3 1,116 1,146 1,203 4.9
Car 654 641 691 7.7
Plane 351 386 396 2.4
Other modes of transportation 111 119 117 -1.8
Other countries4 473 538 544 1.0
Travel to Canada: Top overseas markets,5 by country of origin6        
United Kingdom 61 73 74 1.2
China 48 56 58 4.8
France 45 48 48 -1.5
Australia 26 32 33 3.0
Japan 22 26 32 21.5
Germany 30 33 31 -6.8
Mexico 18 31 28 -9.3
South Korea 18 21 24 14.6
India 17 21 21 -0.5
Hong Kong 13 15 13 -13.6
Netherlands 11 10 12 14.6
Switzerland 11 11 11 -4.3
CANSIM tables 427-0004, 427-0005 and 427-0006.
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