Chart 2
Payments made by research and development-active companies in Canada for intellectual property, outside of Canada and in Canada by affiliation of purchaser, 2014

Outside Canada Inside Canada 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 millions of dollars Payments to parent, affiliated or subsidiary companiesPayments to parent, affiliated or subsidiary companies Payments to other companies, organizations or individualsPayments to other companies, organizations or individuals
CANSIM table 358-0525.

Chart description

This is a bar stacked chart.

Payments made by research and development-active companies in Canada for intellectual property, outside of Canada and in Canada by affiliation of purchaser, 2014, millions of dollars
  Payments to parent, affiliated or subsidiary companies Payments to other companies, organizations or individuals
Outside Canada 727 90
Inside Canada 159 287
CANSIM table 358-0525.
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