Chart 4
Canadian investment in foreign securities

billions of dollars -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 I II 2012 III IV I II 2013 III IV I II 2014 III IV I II 2015 III IV I II 2016 III IV I 2017 US securitiesUS securities Non-US foreign securitiesNon-US foreign securities
CANSIM table 376-0132.

Chart description

This is a column stacked chart.

Canadian investment in foreign securities, billions of dollars
  US securities Non-US foreign securities
First quarter 2012 1.224 5.223
Second quarter 2012 2.408 0.406
Third quarter 2012 10.332 -1.425
Fourth quarter 2012 13.461 3.512
First quarter 2013 -0.312 7.043
Second quarter 2013 -1.263 5.027
Third quarter 2013 1.218 5.459
Fourth quarter 2013 7.517 4.621
First quarter 2014 8.902 7.642
Second quarter 2014 -2.775 8.603
Third quarter 2014 9.079 8.925
Fourth quarter 2014 10.859 5.193
First quarter 2015 0.620 -4.734
Second quarter 2015 6.778 18.438
Third quarter 2015 15.157 -13.045
Fourth quarter 2015 24.356 12.665
First quarter 2016 -5.119 -3.655
Second quarter 2016 10.995 2.817
Third quarter 2016 5.446 2.562
Fourth quarter 2016 -7.644 8.391
First quarter 2017 32.725 -0.874
CANSIM table 376-0132.
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