Chart 1
Number of job vacancies, first quarter of 2015 to first quarter of 2017, Canada

column clustered chart&8211;Chart1, from first quarter 2015 to first quarter 2017
The estimate of the number of job vacancies for the first quarter of 2015 is "E — Use with caution".
CANSIM tables 285-0001, 285-0002, 285-0003 and 285-0004.

Chart description

This is a column clustered chart.

Number of job vacancies, first quarter of 2015 to first quarter of 2017, Canada
First quarter 2015 408,340
Second quarter 2015 451,640
Third quarter 2015 407,895
Fourth quarter 2015 356,520
First quarter 2016 329,710
Second quarter 2016 392,720
Third quarter 2016 406,160
Fourth quarter 2016 381,270
First quarter 2017 387,505
The estimate of the number of job vacancies for the first quarter of 2015 is "E — Use with caution".
CANSIM tables 285-0001, 285-0002, 285-0003 and 285-0004.
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