Table 2 
Quarterly change in Canada's international investment position 

Quarterly change in Canada's international investment position
Position at beginning of period – Second quarter 2017Financial account transactions – Second quarter 2017All other changes to the position – Second quarter 2017Position at end of period – Second quarter 2017
  billions of dollarsbillions of dollarsbillions of dollarsbillions of dollars
Assets 4,440.3 28.7 -12.5 4,456.5
Direct investment assets 1,783.1 22.4 -17.4 1,788.0
Equity 1,637.8 23.2 -15.9 1,645.1
Debt instruments 145.2 -0.9 -1.4 142.9
Canadian portfolio investment 1,839.0 7.5 19.5 1,866.1
Foreign debt securities 386.1 -0.3 0.4 386.2
Foreign equity and investment fund shares 1,452.9 7.9 19.1 1,479.9
Official international reserves 109.8 0.8 -0.8 109.8
Other Canadian investment 708.4 -2.0 -13.9 692.5
Liabilities 4,194.5 41.3 -50.8 4,185.0
Direct investment liabilities 1,349.6 0.2 -20.1 1,329.7
Equity 1,151.7 8.2 -19.9 1,140.1
Debt instruments 197.9 -8.0 -0.3 189.6
Foreign portfolio investment 2,047.4 39.1 -18.0 2,068.5
Canadian debt securities 1,382.3 31.5 -2.4 1,411.5
Canadian equity and investment fund shares 665.1 7.6 -15.6 657.1
Other foreign investment 797.6 1.9 -12.7 786.9
Net international investment position 245.7 -12.6 38.3 271.5
Other changes to the position include the revaluation of assets and liabilities caused by fluctuations in prices and exchange rates, as well as volume changes (write-offs, reclassifications or residency changes). They also include other changes to the position resulting from discrepancies between flow and stock data sources, as well as the integration of new survey results.
CANSIM table 376-0149.
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