Chart 1
Median delay in reporting of sexual assault incidents to police, by selected victim characteristics and relationship to accused, Canada, 2009 to 2014

Victim was child of the accused Victim related to the accused (other than being a child of) Child victim aged 13 and younger Victim was current or previous intimate partner of the accused Victim aged 14 and older¹ Victim was stranger to the accused Overall median delay 0 100 200 300 400 number of days
Medians calculated in days based on sexual assault incidents where the date reported to police was at least 1 day after the date the incident is known or believed to have occured. Data excludes incidents whose report dates were erroneously reported as prior to the incident date (<1%). Accused/victim relationship figures include incidents with single victims only in order to accurately deduce relationship types.
Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Median delay in reporting of sexual assault incidents to police, by selected victim characteristics and relationship to accused, Canada, 2009 to 2014 
  number of days
Victim was child of the accused 365
Victim related to the accused (other than being a child of) 304
Child victim aged 13 and younger 217
Victim was current or previous intimate partner of the accused 21
Victim aged 14 and older¹ 13
Victim was stranger to the accused 3
Overall median delay 25
Medians calculated in days based on sexual assault incidents where the date reported to police was at least 1 day after the date the incident is known or believed to have occured. Data excludes incidents whose report dates were erroneously reported as prior to the incident date (<1%). Accused/victim relationship figures include incidents with single victims only in order to accurately deduce relationship types.
Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.
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