Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS)
Cycle 1 Wave 2
Derived Variable (DV) Specifications

Serum tests (1 DV)
Urine tests (1 DV)
Whole blood tests (1 DV)


The Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) is the most extensive national survey on physical health measures ever conducted in the country. Data collection consists of two steps, a personal interview at the respondent’s household followed later by a visit to the CHMS mobile clinic where physical measurements and blood and urine samples are taken.

The CHMS captures a broad portrait of the health of Canadians by gathering baseline data on a variety of concerns, including cardiovascular health, nutritional status, chronic diseases and physical activity, as well as exposure to infectious diseases and environmental contaminants. The survey collects health information that can’t be otherwise captured, or that may be inaccurately reported, through self-report questionnaires or health care records.

The CHMS is conducted by Statistics Canada in partnership with Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada.

During CHMS cycle 1, physical measurements were collected in 15 sites across Canada from about 5,600 people representing the Canadian population aged 6 to 79. Collection sites were located in five provinces: New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. Collection started in March 2007 and continued until February 2009. Data are representative at the national level.

This publication is part of the release of CHMS data beginning in January 2010. It provides information on the composition of the derived variables created both during and after data processing for the Wave 2 release. Additional volumes will be provided for future releases.

For additional information about the Canadian Health Measures Survey:
Toll-free number: 1-888-253-1087
Telecommunication device for the hearing impaired: 1-866-753-7083
Statistics Canada website:

Serum tests (1 DV)

LABDTCHR – Total cholesterol / HDL ratio

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates the ratio of total cholesterol to High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) in the serum sample of the respondent.

Created in the lab post-verify process. BD represents data that is below the limit of detection and is replaced in processing with a code (i.e. 99.95).

Table 1
LABDTCHR Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
LAB_CHOL / LAB_HDL LAB_CHOL < BD and LAB_HDL < BD Total cholesterol / HDL ratio  
99.96 LAB_CHOL = NA and LAB_HDL = NA Population exclusions NA
99.99 Else   NS

Urine tests (1 DV)

LABDICR – Iodine / creatinine ratio

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates the ratio of iodine to creatinine in the urine sample of the respondent and is impacted by what the respondent has eaten the day before. Iodine/creatinine ratio is measured in nanomoles per millimole (nmol/mmol).

Created in the lab post-verify process. BD represents data that is below the limit of detection and is replaced in processing with a code (i.e. 9995).

Table 2
LABDICR Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
(LAB_IDNE * 1000) / LAB_UCRE LAB_IDNE < BD and LAB_UCRE < BD Iodine/creatinine ratio  
9996 LAB_IDNE = NA Population exclusions NA
9999 Else   NS

Whole blood tests (1 DV)

LABDRBCF – Red blood cell folate

Variable name:

Based on:

This variable indicates the amount of folic acid (folate) found in the haematocrit of the respondent and is measured in nanomoles per litre (nmol/L). Haematocrit is a measure of the volume of red blood cells as a percentage of total blood volume.

Created in the lab post-verify process. BD represents data that is below the limit of detection and is replaced in processing with a code (i.e. 9995).

Table 3
LABDRBCF Specifications
Value Condition(s) Description Notes
(LAB_FOL * 26) / CBC_HCT) LAB_FOL < BD and CBC_HCT < BD Red blood cell folate  
9996 LAB_FOL = NA Population exclusions NA
9999 Else   NS