Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Table A.2 Model predicting the log of 2005 annual earnings from employment for immigrants who arrived before January 1, 2005, showing the interaction between language at work and education

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  Model 7
unstandardized regression coefficients
Intercept 5.939
Use of non-official language at work (No)†
Yes -0.137
Highest level of education (Less than university)†
University 0.346
Age in years 0.150
Age in years squared -0.002
Gender (Women)†
Men 0.382
Time in Canada
Years in Canada 0.033
Years in Canada squared 0.000
Marital status (Single, divorced or other)†
Married or common-law 0.121
Location of study where highest certificate obtained (Other)†
Canada 0.248
United Kingdom 0.213
United States 0.237
Europe elsewhere 0.237
Australia/New-Zealand 0.394
Official language ability (English and/or French)†
None -0.173
Interaction between non-official language at work and education
Yes multiplied by University -0.162
Adjusted R squared 0.220
† Reference group.
R squared is a statistical measure of how well a regression line approximates real data points. It ranges between 0 and 1.
All variables are significant at p < 0.01.
Source: Statistics Canada, Census, 2006.