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Chart 3
Portfolio investment estimates: Book versus market value

The title of the graph is "Chart 3 Portfolio investment estimates: Book versus market value."
This is a line chart.
There are in total 90 categories in the horizontal axis. The vertical axis starts at -600 and ends at 1,400 with ticks every 200 points.
There are 6 series in this graph.
The vertical axis is "Billions of dollars."
The units of the horizontal axis are years ranging from (others) 1990 to (quarters) 2079.
The title of series 1 is "CPIA Market value."
The minimum value is 40.9 occurring in 1992.
The maximum value is 805.5 occurring in 2078.
The title of series 2 is "CPIA Book value."
The minimum value is 35.8 occurring in 1990.
The maximum value is 484.3 occurring in 2076.
The title of series 3 is "FPIC Market value."
The minimum value is 231.2 occurring in 1990.
The maximum value is 1,194.7 occurring in 2079.
The title of series 4 is "FPIC Book value."
The minimum value is 215.4 occurring in 1990.
The maximum value is 919.1 occurring in 2079.
The title of series 5 is "Net portfolio investment at market value."
The minimum value is -426.9 occurring in 2076.
The maximum value is -72.9 occurring in 2061.
The title of series 6 is "Net portfolio investment at book value."
The minimum value is -438.3 occurring in 2079.
The maximum value is -147.4 occurring in 2062.

Chart 3 Portfolio investment estimates: Book versus market value, Billions of dollars
  CPIA Market value CPIA Book value FPIC Market value FPIC Book value Net portfolio investment at market value Net portfolio investment at book value
1990 44.0 35.8 231.2 215.4 -187.2 -179.5
1991 46.3 35.9 234.6 219.5 -188.4 -183.6
1992 40.9 36.3 239.5 228.1 -198.6 -191.8
1993 45.4 37.7 247.9 235.2 -202.6 -197.5
1994 50.5 39.0 263.5 236.7 -213.1 -197.7
1995 52.0 42.2 266.3 240.3 -214.3 -198.0
1996 55.9 44.6 275.3 251.0 -219.4 -206.4
1997 62.1 48.1 288.7 263.7 -226.7 -215.6
1998 64.7 51.4 296.6 272.2 -231.9 -220.8
1999 70.0 54.8 309.7 285.5 -239.6 -230.6
2000 72.6 55.6 316.3 294.2 -243.7 -238.7
2001 76.0 55.2 321.1 298.2 -245.1 -243.0
2002 83.0 58.9 371.6 324.0 -288.7 -265.0
2003 90.1 62.3 387.1 334.9 -297.0 -272.5
2004 100.0 65.8 407.8 354.2 -307.8 -288.4
2005 111.0 70.4 411.3 353.5 -300.3 -283.0
2006 116.9 78.3 408.4 380.1 -291.5 -301.9
2007 117.5 80.4 419.7 394.0 -302.2 -313.6
2008 118.9 79.4 422.1 391.1 -303.1 -311.7
2009 122.1 83.6 425.5 395.3 -303.4 -311.7
2010 128.5 88.7 473.4 412.4 -344.9 -323.7
2011 130.8 87.3 478.5 415.6 -347.7 -328.3
2012 133.6 87.0 483.1 419.5 -349.4 -332.5
2013 141.6 90.8 488.3 422.9 -346.7 -332.1
2014 149.8 93.5 500.9 430.9 -351.2 -337.4
2015 156.2 95.5 506.2 434.0 -350.0 -338.5
2016 165.6 101.3 511.7 436.2 -346.1 -334.8
2017 183.5 108.3 529.5 443.3 -346.0 -335.0
2018 187.8 110.6 536.8 445.1 -349.0 -334.4
2019 213.2 111.1 542.3 444.1 -329.0 -333.1
2020 222.4 113.7 562.4 451.0 -340.0 -337.3
2021 227.9 130.4 564.6 459.8 -336.7 -329.4
2022 250.4 133.4 593.1 465.0 -342.7 -331.6
2023 256.0 138.6 612.2 474.9 -356.2 -336.3
2024 226.5 149.5 593.1 495.2 -366.6 -345.7
2025 275.3 157.4 631.2 511.4 -355.8 -354.0
2026 290.6 159.7 611.0 495.4 -320.4 -335.7
2027 308.7 160.1 609.6 489.3 -300.9 -329.3
2028 314.9 172.8 615.3 491.9 -300.3 -319.2
2029 372.4 179.8 645.1 487.5 -272.7 -307.7
2030 387.8 184.1 680.1 496.3 -292.3 -312.2
2031 397.4 193.1 701.3 499.6 -303.9 -306.5
2032 403.5 201.4 705.1 499.5 -301.7 -298.1
2033 397.2 209.2 646.0 498.0 -248.7 -288.7
2034 385.5 221.9 635.8 510.2 -250.2 -288.3
2035 398.2 219.3 624.5 503.0 -226.4 -283.7
2036 365.6 237.1 610.0 510.0 -244.4 -272.9
2037 407.8 239.8 649.6 535.7 -241.8 -296.0
2038 431.4 251.5 651.2 546.0 -219.8 -294.5
2039 385.1 252.4 633.9 538.2 -248.8 -285.8
2040 351.3 266.0 642.7 558.0 -291.5 -292.0
2041 377.7 270.8 665.2 568.1 -287.5 -297.3
2042 341.3 258.1 642.6 552.0 -301.3 -293.9
2043 360.5 244.5 657.3 532.8 -296.8 -288.3
2044 385.5 251.8 653.6 523.6 -268.1 -271.8
2045 417.6 253.8 678.4 525.3 -260.8 -271.5
2046 437.8 262.1 700.8 529.4 -263.1 -267.3
2047 451.1 269.6 707.4 548.4 -256.3 -278.9
2048 429.8 261.6 708.2 535.9 -278.4 -274.3
2049 458.7 265.6 726.4 536.3 -267.7 -270.7
2050 471.3 273.7 737.7 538.5 -266.4 -264.8
2051 495.9 282.5 752.7 541.2 -256.8 -258.6
2052 517.2 283.0 764.9 525.6 -247.7 -242.6
2053 546.9 292.2 763.6 527.2 -216.7 -235.0
2054 600.2 310.8 797.0 534.8 -196.8 -224.0
2055 593.9 319.5 783.0 535.3 -189.1 -215.8
2056 644.6 337.8 803.5 539.0 -158.9 -201.2
2057 736.0 371.4 862.1 564.7 -126.1 -193.3
2058 781.0 398.3 876.4 571.9 -95.3 -173.6
2059 796.2 394.2 873.4 552.2 -77.2 -158.0
2060 762.4 374.7 866.5 535.9 -104.0 -161.2
2061 764.2 384.2 837.1 531.7 -72.9 -147.5
2062 734.4 405.5 851.0 552.9 -116.6 -147.4
2063 709.3 398.7 898.0 577.6 -188.7 -179.0
2064 643.8 395.8 811.6 580.0 -167.9 -184.2
2065 583.2 426.3 765.8 618.7 -182.6 -192.4
2066 560.0 449.6 776.9 653.4 -216.9 -203.8
2067 603.1 433.6 856.7 671.0 -253.6 -237.4
2068 634.3 405.9 899.1 665.4 -264.8 -259.5
2069 645.3 400.1 933.4 685.4 -288.1 -285.3
2070 658.8 406.3 946.7 696.0 -287.9 -289.7
2071 638.4 433.6 978.7 746.4 -340.3 -312.7
2072 709.5 453.9 1,052.5 775.7 -343.1 -321.8
2073 743.5 463.8 1,096.7 792.5 -353.2 -328.7
2074 753.5 458.2 1,132.6 803.5 -379.1 -345.3
2075 752.8 456.1 1,128.6 822.5 -375.8 -366.4
2076 718.4 484.3 1,145.4 872.0 -426.9 -387.6
2077 747.0 478.7 1,167.5 885.5 -420.4 -406.8
2078 805.5 473.7 1,182.8 887.3 -377.3 -413.7
2079 790.1 480.9 1,194.7 919.1 -404.6 -438.3