Canada at a Glance 2017

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Table 11
Building permits, 2015
Table summary
This table displays the results of Building permits Total, Residential and Non-residential, calculated using millions of dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  Total Residential Non-residential
millions of dollars
Canada 85,140 53,350 31,790
Newfoundland and Labrador 676 461 215
Prince Edward Island 196 115 81
Nova Scotia 1,210 831 378
New Brunswick 822 419 403
Quebec 13,844 8,407 5,437
Ontario 33,126 21,176 11,950
Manitoba 2,313 1,358 954
Saskatchewan 2,883 1,174 1,709
Alberta 16,753 9,876 6,877
British Columbia 13,125 9,445 3,680
Yukon 108 36 71
Northwest Territories 66 35 31
Nunavut 18 14 3

Chart 10 New Housing Price Index

Data Table for Chart 10
Chart 10
New Housing Price Index
Table summary
This table displays the results of New Housing Price Index annual % change (2007=100) (appearing as column headers).
  annual % change (2007=100)
1990 1.4
1991 -6.9
1992 0.0
1993 1.4
1994 0.1
1995 -1.2
1996 -1.8
1997 0.8
1998 0.9
1999 0.9
2000 2.3
2001 2.6
2002 4.1
2003 4.8
2004 5.5
2005 5.1
2006 9.7
2007 7.8
2008 3.4
2009 -2.3
2010 2.2
2011 2.2
2012 2.4
2013 1.8
2014 1.5
2015 1.3
Table 12
Home ownership, 2014
Table summary
This table displays the results of Home ownership Owned dwelling with mortgage(s), Owned dwelling without mortgage and Rented dwelling, calculated using % units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  Owned dwelling with mortgage(s) Owned dwelling without mortgage Rented dwelling
Canada 36.3 30.3 33.5
Newfoundland and Labrador 34.0 44.6 21.4
Prince Edward Island 42.6 35.1 22.3
Nova Scotia 35.7 32.8 31.5
New Brunswick 36.5 35.9 27.6
Quebec 33.1 26.5 40.4
Ontario 38.3 29.9 31.8
Manitoba 39.4 32.2 28.4
Saskatchewan 36.8 35.2 28.0
Alberta 38.4 32.6 29.0
British Columbia 34.0 31.6 34.4
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