User Guide: Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts
Table of contents

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This publication contains nine chapters to reflect the most of the macroeconomic accounts. Some chapters ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 9) were updated on February 22, 2021 to fix some references. For more information on Satellite accounts and Natural resource accounts, please refer to Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts (13-607-X).

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  1. Introduction and overview
    Release date: May 31, 2016
  2. History of Canada’s macroeconomic accounts
    A review of the seven-decade history of Canada's System of Macroeconomic Accounts connecting the story to the evolution of the international SNA, plus a discussion of the uses and users of Canada's accounts.
    Release date: August 31, 2016
  3. Key concepts in brief
    An explanation of key national accounting concepts involving stocks and flows; the distinction between price and volume changes; production, distribution, consumption and accumulation; residence; institutional units and sectors; classifications; and accounting concepts. Also includes a description of SNA 2008's sequence of accounts.
    Release date: May 31, 2016
  4. Supply and use accounts
    An explanation of the structure and concepts of Canada's supply and use accounts.
    Release date: May 31, 2016
  5. Income and expenditure accounts
    An explanation of the structure and concepts of Canada's income and expenditure accounts.
    Release date: August 31, 2016
  6. Financial and wealth accounts
    An explanation of the structure and concepts of Canada's financial flow and national balance sheet accounts.
    Release date: November 30, 2016
  7. Price and volume measures
    An explanation of the national accounts price-quantity decomposition using Laspeyres, Paasche and Fisher indexes and of the way the decomposition is used to calculate real gross domestic income, real capital stocks and purchasing power parities.
    Release date: November 30, 2016
  8. International accounts
    An explanation of the structure and concepts of Canada's balance of payments and international investment position accounts.
    Release date: May 31, 2017
  9. Government Finance Statistics
    An explanation of the structure and concepts of Canada's new GFS-based public sector accounts.
    Release date: June 22, 2018
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