Description for map 3.1
Land cover, by ecozone, 2011

The title of this map is Land cover, by ecozone, 2011. On this map, dark green represents evergreen forest, lime green represents deciduous forest, medium green represents mixedwood, grey represents taiga sparse conifer, pale green represents shrubland, peach represents grassland, purple represents barrenland, yellow represents cropland, red represents built-up, pale blue represents water and white represents other. The following footnote is on the other category.

1. Combines Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) land cover codes for wetlands, snow and ice.

Terrestrial ecozone boundaries are outlined in white and are labeled with numbers to identify the following areas: 01 Arctic Cordillera, 02 Northern Arctic, 03 Southern Arctic, 04 Taiga Plains, 05 Taiga Shield, 06 Boreal Shield, 07 Atlantic Maritime, 08 Mixed Wood Plains, 09 Boreal Plains, 10 Prairies, 11 Taiga Cordillera, 12 Boreal Cordillera, 13 Pacific Maritime, 14 Montane Cordillera and 15 Hudson Plains.

Forest and shrubland are the dominant land covers in taiga and boreal ecozones, a majority of the Prairies is covered in cropland and Canadas arctic is mostly barren.

The locations and names of some major cities in each province and territory are included in the map. The boundaries between the provinces and territories are indicated with thin dashed black lines. Land areas outside of Canada are coloured pale grey.

Source(s): Government of Canada, 2012, Canada 250m Land Cover Time Series 2000-2011, Natural Resources Canada, Earth Sciences Sector, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, (accessed May 8, 2013). Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division, 2013, special tabulation.

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