Map 1.1
Drainage regions of Canada

Map 1.1 Drainage regions of Canada

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Description for Map 1.1

The title of this map is “Drainage regions of Canada.” This map outlines the boundaries of the 25 drainage regions in Canada and the 5 ocean drainage areas. These drainage regions cover all of the area within the coastal boundaries of Canada.

On this map, a black line defines provincial and international boundaries while a thicker white line defines an ocean drainage area boundary and a grey line defines the drainage region boundary. Each drainage region is identified with a unique number and colour.

Drainage regions in the Pacific Ocean drainage area are in the red colour spectrum; regions draining into the Arctic Ocean are in the orange spectrum; the single region draining into the Gulf of Mexico is yellow; regions draining into Hudson Bay are in a blue-grey palette and regions draining into the Atlantic Ocean are in the green spectrum.

The locations and names of some major cities in each province and territory are included on the map. Land areas outside of Canada are coloured light grey. Water is pale blue and major bodies, like oceans and bays, are named.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division, 2009, special tabulation data from Pearse, P.H., F. Bertrand and J.W. MacLaren, 1985, Currents of Change: Final Report of the Inquiry on Federal Water Policy, Environment Canada, Ottawa.

Data table for Map 1.1
Ocean drainage area and drainage region names and codes
Table summary
This table displays the results of Ocean drainage area and drainage region names and codes. The information is grouped by Ocean drainage areas and drainage regions (appearing as row headers), Code (appearing as column headers).
Ocean drainage areas and drainage regions Code
Pacific Ocean  
Pacific Coastal 1
Fraser–Lower Mainland 2
Okanagan–Similkameen 3
Columbia 4
Yukon 5
Arctic Ocean  
Peace–Athabasca 6
Lower Mackenzie 7
Arctic Coast–Islands 8
Gulf of Mexico  
Missouri 9
Hudson Bay  
North Saskatchewan 10
South Saskatchewan 11
Assiniboine–Red 12
Winnipeg 13
Lower Saskatchewan–Nelson 14
Churchill 15
Keewatin–Southern Baffin Island 16
Northern Ontario 17
Northern Quebec 18
Atlantic Ocean  
Great Lakes 19
Ottawa 20
St. Lawrence 21
North Shore–Gaspé 22
Saint John–St. Croix 23
Maritime Coastal 24
Newfoundland–Labrador 25
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