Map 2.4
Average sea surface temperature change, 1901 to 2014

Map 2.4 Average sea surface temperature change, 1901 to 2014

Description for Map 2.4

The title of this map is "Average sea surface temperature change, 1901 to 2014." The image is made up of two maps: West Coast and East Coast.

On these maps, temperature change is indicated using a circle icon. The darker the colour of the circle, the higher the temperature change (in degrees Celsius). Category 1 (yellow) is 0.5 °C to less than 1.0 °C, Category 2 (orange) is 1.0 °C to less than 1.5 °C, Category 3 (red) is 1.5 °C to less than 2.0 °C and Category 4 (dark red) is greater than or equal to 2.0 °C.

Thin black grid lines represent data at intervals of 5° latitude by 5° longitude. The circle icon indicating temperature change is placed close to the center of each gridded area.

Ocean surface temperatures have increased from 1.0°C to 2.6°C along the Atlantic coast and 0.7°C to 1.1°C along the Pacific coast from 1901 to 2014.

Provincial boundaries are indicated by a dashed black line, while international boundaries are indicated by a thick grey line and thin dashed black line. Land area is coloured grey. Ocean is coloured blue—the darker the colour, the greater the water depth. Oceans are named.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division, 2017, special tabulation from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2015, Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis: Global gridded 5° x 5° data, National Centers for Environmental Information, (accessed May 16, 2016).

Data table for Map 2.4 Legend
Average sea surface temperature change, 1901 to 2014, classification showing category colour
Table summary
This table displays the results of Average sea surface temperature change. The information is grouped by Category (appearing as row headers), Degrees Celsius and Colour (appearing as column headers).
Category Degrees Celsius Colour
1 0.5 to < 1.0 Yellow
2 1.0 to < 1.5 Orange
3 1.5 to < 2.0 Red
4 ≥ 2.0 Dark red
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