Map 3.1
Residual soil nitrogen on agricultural land, 2011

Map 3.1 Residual soil  nitrogen on agricultural land, 2011

Description for Map 3.1

The title of this map is “Residual soil nitrogen on agricultural land, 2011.” On this map, each colour represents a range of residual soil nitrogen (RSN) values, in kilograms per hectare of agricultural land, grouped into one of five risk classes. The Category 1 (red) is greater than or equal to 40 kg/ha and indicates a very high amount of residual nitrogen in agricultural soil, Category 2 (orange) is 30 to less than 40 kg/ha and indicates a high amount of residual nitrogen in agricultural soil, Category 3 (yellow) is 20 to less than 30 kg/ha and indicates a moderate amount of residual nitrogen in agricultural soil, Category 4 (light green) is 10 to less than 20 kg/ha and indicates a low amount of residual nitrogen in agricultural soil, Category 5 (dark green) is less than 10 kg/ha and indicates a very low amount of residual nitrogen in agricultural soil while Category 6 (white) represents regions where there is no data.

Some of the highest values of residual soil nitrogenNote 1 in agricultural soils in 2011 occurred in areas that have historically had intensive agriculture, including parts of the Fraser–Lower Mainland, South Saskatchewan, Assiniboine–Red, Great Lakes, St. Lawrence and Maritime Coastal drainage regions.

On this map, a dark grey line represents drainage regions boundaries while a lighter grey line defines provincial and international boundaries. The locations and names of some major cities in each province are included. Water is pale blue.

Notes: The land use map is derived from remote sensing data products and administrative data sources. Water yield data were derived from discharge values contained in Environment and Climate Change Canada’s HYDAT database. Additional information is available in Appendix E.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division, 2017, special tabulation from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2015, Land Use, 2010, (accessed September 16, 2015); Natural Resources Canada, 2009, Land cover, Circa 2000 - Vector, Earth Sciences Sector, Environment and Climate Change Canada , 2015, Water Survey of Canada, Archived Hydrometric Data Online, (accessed December 3, 2015); Statistics Canada, 2010, “Introducing a new concept and methodology for delineating settlement boundaries: A research project on Canadian settlements,” Environment Accounts and Statistics Analytical and Technical Paper Series, Catalogue no. 16-001-M, no. 11; and special tabulations by Statistics Canada, Business Survey Methodology Division to calculate the smoothed trends.

Data table for Map 3.1 Legend
Residual soil nitrogen (RSN) indicator, 2011, classification showing category colour
Table summary
This table displays the results of Residual soil nitrogen (RSN) indicator. The information is grouped by Category (appearing as row headers), Kilograms per hectare, Colour and Class (appearing as column headers).
Category Kilograms per hectare Colour Class
1 ≥ 40 Red Very high
2 30 to < 40 Orange High
3 20 to < 30 Yellow Moderate
4 10 to < 20 Light green Low
5 < 10 Dark Green Very Low
6   White No data
Data table for Map 3.1 Data
Residual soil nitrogen (RSN) on agricultural land, 2011, by drainage region
Table summary
This table displays the results of Residual soil nitrogen (RSN) on agricultural land. The information is grouped by Ocean drainage areas and drainage regions (appearing as row headers), Code and Residual soil nitrogen on agricultural land, 2011, calculated using number and kilograms per hectare units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Ocean drainage areas and drainage regions Code Residual soil nitrogen on agricultural land, 2011
number kilograms per hectare
Pacific Ocean    
Pacific Coastal 1 22.0
Fraser–Lower Mainland 2 23.2
Okanagan–Similkameen 3 20.3
Columbia 4 21.4
Yukon 5 Note ...: not applicable
Arctic Ocean    
Peace–Athabasca 6 25.4
Lower Mackenzie 7 26.8
Arctic Coast–Islands 8 Note ...: not applicable
Gulf of Mexico    
Missouri 9 11.1
Hudson Bay    
North Saskatchewan 10 20.0
South Saskatchewan 11 14.2
Assiniboine–Red 12 24.7
Winnipeg 13 31.6
Lower Saskatchewan–Nelson 14 29.4
Churchill 15 28.0
Keewatin–Southern Baffin Island 16 Note ...: not applicable
Northern Ontario 17 25.4
Northern Quebec 18 25.0
Atlantic Ocean    
Great Lakes 19 37.5
Ottawa 20 33.2
St. Lawrence 21 51.8
North Shore–Gaspé 22 59.8
Saint John–St. Croix 23 37.2
Maritime Coastal 24 37.0
Newfoundland–Labrador 25 56.0


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