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Tables and Charts


Table 1 Overview of newcomers’ characteristics: Respondents with foreign credentials and work experience

Table 2 Education and work experience of newcomers with foreign credentials and work experience

Table 3 Recognition of foreign credentials and work experience by selected sociodemographic characteristics

Table 4 Recognition of foreign credentials by field of study

Table 5 Recognition of foreign credentials and work experience by country of highest education or last permanent residence

Table 6 Pre-arranged employment or previous Canadian experience and recognition of foreign credentials or work experience

Table 7 Recognition of foreign experience by last occupation prior to landing

Table 8 Recognition of foreign credentials and work experience by province or region of residence

Table 9 Newcomers with partially accepted foreign credentials or work experience after four years in Canada

Table 10 Reasons for not having foreign credentials assessed after six months or four years in Canada


Chart A Foreign work experience more likely to be recognized than credentials

Chart B Hazard rate of recognition of foreign credentials and work experience

Chart C Cumulative percentage of new immigrants with foreign credentials and work experience fully accepted by immigrant category