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1. Singh-Manoux A, Martikainen JF, Zins M, et al. What does self rated health measure? Results from the British Whitehall II and French Gazel cohort studies. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2006; 60: 364-72.

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24. Singh-Manoux A, Clarke P, Marmot M. Multiple measures of socio-economic position and psychosocial health: proximal and distal measures. International Journal of Epidemiology 2002: 31(6): 1192-9.

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31. Singh-Manoux A, Dugavot A, Shipley MJ, et al. The association between self-rated health and mortality in different socioeconomic groups in the GAZEL cohort study. International Journal of Epidemiology 2007; 36: 1222-8.

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