Text table 1
Defining hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) infections and hepatitis B vaccine-induced immunity

Text Table 1
Defining hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) infections and hepatitis B vaccine-induced immunity
Table summary
This table displays the results of defining hepatitis b (hbv) and c (hcv) infections and hepatitis b vaccine-induced immunity. The information is grouped by type of hepatitis infection (appearing as row headers), biomarkers (appearing as column headers).
Type of hepatitis infection Biomarkers
Present HBsAg (+)
Previous anti-HBc (+)Note 
Resolved anti-HBc (+) and anti-HBs (+)
Vaccine-induced immunity anti-HBc (-) and anti-HBs (+)
HCV anti-HCV (+)
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