Health Regions: Boundaries and Correspondence with Census Geography
Table 5.2.1 Stepwise discriminant analysis of final health region groups on all 24 variables

Table summary
This table displays the results of Stepwise descriminant analysis of final health region groupings on all 24 variables. The information is grouped by Step (appearing as row headers), Variable, Partial R-SQ and R-SQ variables in model (appearing as column headers).
Step Variable Partial R-SQ R-SQ variables in model
1 (Population density) PopDen 0.9212 Note ...: not applicable
Removed Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable
None Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable
2 (Visible minority) VisMin 0.8617 Note ...: not applicable
Removed Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable
None Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable
3 (Aboriginal population) AboPer 0.8307 Note ...: not applicable
Removed Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable
MEDSHR 0.3568 0.5385
POP11 0.5861 0.5474
AVGDWL 0.4102 0.5844
OWNDWL 0.8593 0.5284
MIGMOB 0.4462 0.5062
GOVTRAN 0.6955 0.5873
MIZ 0.606 0.5276
UNEMP 0.7602 0.5038
LOW15 0.5775 0.5502
LOWKIDS 0.4885 0.5303
MedInc 0.6504 0.5853
HOUAFF 0.5911 0.6125
POP65 0.7425 0.5104
IMMPER 0.78 0.9252
GROWTH 0.6921 0.6173
POSTSEC 0.6039 0.5316
4 (Employment rate) EMP 0.7131 Note ...: not applicable
Removed Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable
pop20 0.8144 0.7548
LNEPRNT 0.7671 0.6918
5 (Male-to-female ratio) MFRAT 0.3395 Note ...: not applicable
Removed Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable
LTUNEMP 0.661 0.7844
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