Description for Chart 2
Percentage distribution of method used in suicide, by sex, Canada, 2000-2009 (ten year average)

This vertical bar chart illustrates the distribution of method used in suicide in Canada, by sex, 2000 – 2009 (ten year average).
The Y axis measures the percentage of selected methods used in suicide, and increases by increments of 5 from 0 to 50.
On the X axis, from left to right, are the sex categories: males and females.  Each sex category has four vertical bars to represent the method used in suicide: firearm, hanging, poisoning, and other.
Among male Canadians, the method used in suicide was 20% firearm, 46% hanging, 20% poisoning, and 14% other.
Among female Canadians, the method used in suicide was 3% firearm, 37% hanging, 42% poisoning, and 18% other.

Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Vital Statistics Death Database.

Chart 2
Percentage distribution of method used in suicide, by sex, Canada, 2000-2009 (ten year average), percent
  Firearm Hanging Poisoning Other
Males 0.201056700117017 0.459948228786213 0.198219921279387 0.140775149817382
Females 0.0298159795015141 0.366526904262753 0.423014209177731 0.180642907058001
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