Data table for chart 3
Self-reported perceptions of neighbourhood social and physical disorder, Canada's territories, 2009

Chart 3
Self-reported perceptions of neighbourhood social and physical disorder, Canada's territories, 2009
Type of disorder percent
Prostitution 3
People being attacked/harassed because of their skin colour, ethnic origin or religion 6
People sleeping on the streets 7Note E: Use with caution
Noisy neighbours/loud parties 10
People hanging around on the streets 11
Vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property of vehicles 17
Garbage or litter lying around 20
People using or dealing drugs 30
People drunk or rowdy in public places 31Note E: Use with caution
E use with caution
Note: The categories "Don't know" and "Not stated" are included in the calculation of percentages.
Source: Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2009
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