Data table for chart 2.6
Victims of police-reported intimate partner and non-intimate partner violence, by type of offence and incidence of injury, Canada, 2010

Chart 2.6
Victims of police-reported intimate partner and non-intimate partner violence, by type of offence and incidence of injury, Canada, 2010
  percent of victims sustaining injuries
Non-intimate partner violence victims Intimate partner
violence victims
Indecent phone calls 0 0
Uttering threats 1 1
Criminal harassment 1 2
Sexual assault 19 45
Robbery 32 51
Other violent offencesNote 4 17 54
Common assaultNote 3 57 63
Other physical assaultsNote 2 43 71
Major assaultNote 1 73 79
Attempted murder 79 86
1. Major assault includes levels 2 and 3 assault. Level 2 assault is defined as assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm and level 3 assault is defined as assault that wounds, maims, disfigures or endangers the life of the victim.
2. Other physical assaults include unlawfully causing bodily harm, discharge firearm with intent, assault against peace-public officer, and other assaults.
3. Common assault refers to level 1 assaults. Level 1 assault is the least serious form of assault and includes pushing, slapping, punching and face-to-face verbal threats.
4. Other violent offences includes abduction, kidnapping, hostage-taking, arson and other violent violations.
Note: Intimate partner violence refers to violence committed by legally married, separated, divorced, common-law partners, dating partners (current and previous) and other intimate partners. The intimate partner category is based upon victims aged 15 to 89. Non-intimate partner violence refers to violence committed by other family members (parents, children, siblings, extended family members), friends, casual acquaintances, neighbours, authority figures, criminal relationships, business relationships and strangers. The non-intimate partner category is based upon victims aged 0 to 89. Excludes incidents where the sex and/or age of victim was unknown and where the relationship between the victim and the accused was unknown.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.
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