Data table for chart 9
Median length of cases completed in youth court, by province and territory, 2010/2011

Chart 9
Median length of cases completed in youth court, by province and territory, 2010/2011
Province and territory median number of days
Nunavut 65
Northwest Territories 58
Yukon 147
British Columbia 104
Alberta 123
Saskatchewan 85
Manitoba 141
Ontario 113
Quebec 120
New Brunswick 65
Nova Scotia 134
Prince Edward Island 29
Newfoundland and Labrador 114
Canada 113
Note: The median represents the mid-point of the number of days taken to complete a case, from the first to last court appearance. A case is one or more charges against an accused person or company that were processed by the courts at the same time and received a final disposition. Jurisdictional differences in the structure and operation of courts may have an impact on survey results. Therefore, any comparisons between jurisdictions should be made with caution.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Integrated Criminal Court Survey.
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