Description for chart 3.3
Impact of spousal violence for victims, by sex of victim, Canada, 2009

The title of the graph is "Chart 3.3 Impact of spousal violence for victims, by sex of victim, Canada, 2009."
This is a bar clustered chart.
This is a horizontal bar graph, so categories are on the vertical axis and values on the horizontal axis.
There are in total 5 categories in the vertical axis. The horizontal axis starts at 0 and ends at 50 with ticks every 10 points.
There are 2 series in this graph.
The horizontal axis is "percent."
The vertical axis is "impact."
The title of series 1 is "Male victims."
The minimum value is F and it corresponds to "Were treated in hospital¹."
The maximum value is 18* and it corresponds to "Were physically injured."
The title of series 2 is "Female victims†."
The minimum value is 13E and it corresponds to "Were treated in hospital¹."
The maximum value is 42 and it corresponds to "Were physically injured."

Chart 3.3 Impact of spousal violence for victims, by sex of victim, Canada, 2009, percent
  Male victims Female victims†
Feared for their lives 5E* 33
Took time off daily activities 9E* 27
Were treated in hospital¹ F 13E
Received medical attention¹ 14E 18E
Were physically injured 18* 42
E use with caution
F too unreliable to be published  
† reference category     
* significantly different from reference category (p < 0.05)           
1. Includes only those who were physically injured.          
Note: Refers to spousal violence in the previous five years. Excludes data from the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut.           
Source: Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2009.  
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