Description for Text box 3.2 chart
Female victims of police-reported violent crime, by incidence of injury, relationship of accused to victim and type of offence, 2011

The title of the graph is "Chart, Text box 3.2 Female victims of police-reported violent crime, by incidence of injury, relationship of accused to victim and type of offence, 2011."
This is a bar clustered chart.
This is a horizontal bar graph, so categories are on the vertical axis and values on the horizontal axis.
There are in total 11 categories in the vertical axis. The horizontal axis starts at 0 and ends at 100 with ticks every 20 points.
There are 3 series in this graph.
The horizontal axis is "percent with injury."
The vertical axis is "type of offence."
The title of series 1 is "Non-intimate partner violence."
The minimum value is 0 and it corresponds to "Indecent/harassing phone calls."
The maximum value is 72 and it corresponds to "Attempted murder."
The title of series 2 is "Spousal violence."
The minimum value is 0 and it corresponds to "Indecent/harassing phone calls."
The maximum value is 84 and it corresponds to "Attempted murder."
The title of series 3 is "Dating violence."
The minimum value is 0 and it corresponds to "Indecent/harassing phone calls."
The maximum value is 91 and it corresponds to "Attempted murder."

Chart, Text box 3.2 Female victims of police-reported violent crime, by incidence of injury, relationship of accused to victim and type of offence, 2011, percent with injury
  Non-intimate partner violence Spousal violence Dating violence
Other violent offences 18 54 56
Indecent/harassing phone calls 0 0 0
Uttering threats 1 2 1
Criminal harassment 1 3 4
Firearm offences 11 33 26
Sexual offences 22 43 40
Robbery 25 47 51
Other assaults 47 66 75
Common assault 54 59 66
Serious assault 68 76 84
Attempted murder 72 84 91
Note: Other violent offences includes abduction, kidnapping, hostage-taking, arson and other violent violations. Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.  
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.
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