Table 4
Selected types of professional services accessed among those with a disorder that perceived a need for care, by contact with police and no contact with police, past 12 months, Canada, 2012

Table 4
Selected types of professional services accessed among those with a disorder that perceived a need for care, by contact with police and no contact with police, past 12 months, Canada, 2012
Table summary
This table displays the results of Selected types of professional services accessed among those with a disorder that perceived a need for care. The information is grouped by Types of professional services accessed (appearing as row headers), Canadian population with a disorder and a perceived need for care, aged 15 and older, Contact with police and No contact with police, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Types of professional services accessed Canadian population with a disorder and a perceived need for care, aged 15 and older
Contact with policeNote  No contact with police
Family doctor or general practitioner 48.9 52.4
Social worker or counsellor 28.7 25.3
Psychiatrist 22.4 22.2
Psychologist 22.2 19.8
Hospitalized 11.2Note E: Use with caution 3.5Note E: Use with cautionNote *
Nurse 9.3Note E: Use with caution 8.2
Total, professional services accessedNote 1 76.9 72.0
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