Table 1
International trade in culture goods, Canada, 2003 to 2010 - current dollars

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International trade in culture goods, Canada, 2003 to 2010 - current dollars

Table summary
This table displays the results of international trade in culture goods 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010, calculated using thousands of dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).

  2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
  thousands of dollars
Writing and published works  
Books 1,473,194 1,452,550 1,436,441 1,432,275 1,440,573 1,478,061 1,464,508 1,402,951
Newspapers and periodicals 1,126,063 1,134,364 1,165,403 1,173,752 1,151,887 1,140,273 1,050,246 1,046,872
Other printed materials 274,455 268,243 249,849 287,225 287,171 307,983 274,050 252,925
Subtotal 2,873,711 2,855,157 2,851,693 2,893,252 2,879,631 2,926,317 2,788,803 2,702,748
Film and video  
Film 10,178 8,732 6,144 6,213 6,716 7,606 8,602 5,544
Video 382,119 354,914 356,633 282,221 405,678 439,022 389,285 344,446
Subtotal 392,298 363,647 362,777 288,433 412,394 446,628 397,887 349,990
Sound recording and music
Sound recordings 133,485 143,020 152,436 137,135 31,422 30,133 31,597 30,202
Printed music 15,890 15,518 15,164 13,974 11,888 12,527 11,995 9,796
Subtotal 149,375 158,538 167,600 151,109 43,310 42,660 43,592 39,999
Visual arts  
Original art 137,391 120,416 221,888 140,290 184,045 183,135 166,633 136,755
Other visual arts 149,091 136,088 124,880 117,274 125,292 112,991 87,668 81,849
Subtotal 286,482 256,505 346,768 257,564 309,337 296,126 254,302 218,603
Architecture 3,339 2,635 1,532 1,585 1,910 1,303 1,364 1,003
Advertising 186,280 176,724 175,659 196,983 174,822 219,108 207,419 230,957
Heritage 57,023 34,560 34,691 47,394 54,526 53,513 25,066 32,367
Photography 152,227 126,110 144,296 147,398 142,328 156,207 127,997 154,429
Total 4,100,735 3,973,875 4,085,015 3,983,718 4,018,258 4,141,861 3,846,429 3,730,096
Writing and published works  
Books 459,982 430,802 398,851 398,805 385,246 394,957 328,301 262,222
Newspapers and periodicals 224,090 183,078 211,197 205,903 154,020 112,259 84,858 74,422
Other printed materials 256,596 248,647 243,139 183,020 155,002 120,854 82,345 80,094
Subtotal 940,668 862,527 853,187 787,728 694,269 628,070 495,505 416,738
Film and video  
Film 339,540 344,430 384,577 367,174 353,043 353,652 381,186 298,955
Video 278,794 300,736 290,432 188,352 297,408 243,082 208,776 196,181
Subtotal 618,334 645,166 675,010 555,526 650,451 596,734 589,962 495,136
Sound recording and music
Sound recordings 154,879 145,040 138,991 122,817 25,427 23,071 23,446 21,422
Printed music 189 112 200 210 381 1,249 762 493
Subtotal 155,069 145,152 139,191 123,027 25,808 24,320 24,208 21,915
Visual arts  
Original art 55,599 63,231 83,895 72,717 109,378 73,841 67,182 56,809
Other visual arts 18,362 16,529 13,864 17,818 12,012 10,736 8,837 16,368
Subtotal 73,960 79,761 97,759 90,535 121,390 84,576 76,019 73,177
Architecture 2,111 1,332 2,381 3,048 1,077 657 1,040 3,802
Advertising 440,585 417,952 387,022 321,282 274,585 229,846 168,494 164,007
Heritage 18,479 17,655 18,561 22,156 33,388 23,205 45,759 27,937
Photography 216,761 228,878 200,993 169,154 154,721 122,680 112,487 93,226
Total 2,465,968 2,398,422 2,374,104 2,072,455 1,955,688 1,710,087 1,513,474 1,295,936
Data used for culture goods trade tabulations are revised by the International Trade Division of Statistics Canada, on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. Due to these ongoing quality improvements, data in this table may differ from data found in previous published versions. Due to changes in the Harmonized System of Classification in 2007, there is a break in series for video and sound recording. Some sound recording activity may be found in the video data.