chart 11
Completed cases in adult court by sex of the accused, 10 jurisdictions, 2000/2001 to 2008/2009

Description for chart 11

Chart 11 Completed cases in adult court by sex of the accused, 10 jurisdictions, 2000/2001 to 2008/2009

Notes: The primary unit of analysis is the case. It combines all charges against the same person having one or more key overlapping dates (date of offence, date of initiation, date of first appearance, date of decision, date of sentencing) into a single case. This trend analysis table does not include data from Manitoba, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. Coverage for the Adult Criminal Court Survey data for the ten jurisdictions is estimated at 90% adult criminal court caseload. Sex is determined on the basis of the accused's name in Quebec, producing a relatively higher rate of sex unknown.
Sources: Statistics Canada, Centre for Justice Statistics, Adult Criminal Court Survey.

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