Table 13
Characteristics of adult women involved in provincial1 and federal correctional custodial services, 2008/2009

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Table 13
Characteristics of adult women involved in provincial1 and federal correctional custodial services, 2008/2009
Table summary
This table displays the results of Characteristics of adult women involved in provincial1 and federal correctional custodial services. The information is grouped by Characteristics appearing as row headers and is grouped by Provincial custody, Federal custody appearing as column headers, calculated using total, number and percentage as a unit of measure.
Characteristics Provincial1 custody Federal custody
total2 number percentage total number percentage
Total persons 75,559 8,565 11.3 22,656 1076 5.0
Aboriginal identity
Aboriginal 10,727 1,665 19.5 4,234 311 28.9
Non-Aboriginal 64,457 6,867 80.5 18,422 765 71.1
Unknown 375 33 0 0
Age at last custodial status admission date
Under 18 19 0 0 36 1 0.1
18 to 19 5,109 554 6.5 682 28 2.6
20 to 24 14,522 1,525 17.8 3,839 164 15.2
25 to 29 12,737 1,461 17.1 4,154 197 18.3
30 to 34 10,322 1,242 14.5 3,375 176 16.4
35 to 39 9,506 1,224 14.3 3,319 168 15.6
40 to 44 9,032 1,116 13.0 2,841 168 15.6
45 to 49 7,024 815 9.5 2,030 90 8.4
50 and over 7,264 626 7.3 2,380 84 7.8
Unknown 24 2 0 0
Marital status2
Single (never married) 45,147 5,096 61.6 11,405 519 49.2
Married 8,089 664 8.0 1,807 89 8.4
Common-law 10,440 1,178 14.2 6,680 283 26.9
Separated/divorced 8,485 1,196 14.5 2,130 131 12.4
Widowed 416 134 1.6 295 32 3.0
Unknown 2,982 297 339 22
Education completed for age 25 and over3
Primary school or less 1,202 126 14.4 . .
Some secondary 2,646 314 35.8 . .
Completed secondary 3,828 376 42.9 . .
Some postsecondary 269 48 5.5 . .
Completed postsecondary 640 60 6.8 . .
Unknown 841 142 . .
Employment status at admission3
Unemployed (but able to work) 5,645 809 65.6 . .
Employed (part-time, full-time) 4,899 292 23.7 . .
Not employable – disabled, medical reasons, etc. 401 48 3.9 . .
Not employed - retired, student, or other reason 990 156 12.7 . .
Unknown 1,358 153 . .
Need indicated4,5
Substance abuse 4,631 569 93.7 15,097 705 73.9
Attitude 3,875 442 72.9 13,485 388 44.0
Family/marital 1,703 226 69.1 9,033 556 59.8
Personal/emotional .. .. 17,817 786 82.1
Social interaction 4,303 273 45.0 14,103 684 73.5
Employment 3,477 493 81.4 12,307 689 74.1
Community functioning 1,390 220 78.9 6,718 317 34.3
Number of needs indicated4
0 to 1 193 15 2.5 629 29 3.0
2 to 3 1,149 96 15.8 6,916 308 32.0
4 or more 3,705 496 81.7 13,211 625 65.0
Most serious offence, last correctional status
Violent offences 23,246 1,914 22.7 13,571 503 47.1
Property offences 13,119 1,935 23.0 3,265 173 16.2
Other Criminal Code offences (excludes traffic) 23,827 3,084 36.6 1,906 81 7.6
Criminal Code - traffic offences6 5,092 348 4.1 863 30 2.8
Other federal statutes7 6,946 1,032 12.3 2,913 280 26.2
Other offences8 1,917 109 1.3 0 0 0
Unknown 1,412 143 138 8
. not available for any reference period
.. not available for a specific reference period
… not applicable
1. Provincial custody data include the provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario and Saskatchewan.
2. Total provincial includes 75 cases where gender is unknown.
3. Provincial custody excludes Newfoundland and Labrador and Ontario due to missing data.
4. Needs analysis includes last assessment performed. Includes only those cases where need assessments were performed and need level is indicated as medium or high. Provincial custody includes Saskatchewan.
5. Includes only those cases in which needs were assessed. Need is indicated as being present when the need is assessed as medium or high. Maximum number of provincial needs available is 6 and minimum is 0. Maximum number of federal needs available is 7 and minimum is 0.
6. Includes impaired driving offences.
7. Includes drug offences and other federal statute violations.
8. Includes provincial/territorial offences and municipal bylaw infractions.
Notes: Percentage calculations excludes 'unknown'. Includes the most recent custodial status.
Sources: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Integrated Correctional Services Survey.
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