Table 13
Distribution of persons aged 15 and over by health behaviours and activity limitations status, Canada, 2009

Table 13
Distribution of persons aged 15 and over by health behaviours and activity limitations status, Canada, 2009
Table summary
This table displays the results of distribution of persons aged 15 and over by health behaviours and activity limitations status. The information is grouped by health behaviours appearing as row headers, women, men, with activity limitations and without activity limitations appearing as column headers, calculated using percentage and average as a unit of measure.
Health behaviours Women Men
With activity limitations Without activity limitations With activity limitations Without activity limitations
Have visited health professional in past 12 months 98.7* 96.0 97.8* 91.2
Visits to a medical doctor in past 12 months
Low range (0 to 1) 9.6* 33.4 17.1* 50.0
Mid range (2 to 4) 30.6* 41.1 33.3 34.4
High range (5 or more) 59.8* 25.4 49.6* 15.5
Level of daily leisure time and
transportation activity1
Active 12.5* 26.4 19.3* 33.3
Moderately active 18.4* 26.4 21.9* 25.8
Inactive 69.1* 47.2 58.8* 40.9
Body Mass Index2
Underweight 3.4 3.8 1.4E 1.2
Normal weight 36.9* 54.4 31.4* 40.6
Overweight 31.4* 26.6 36.1* 40.6
Obese 28.4* 15.1 31.1* 17.6
Number of a medical doctor visits average
8.9* 3.8 8.0* 2.6
E use with caution
* statistically significant difference from the same sex without activity limitations at p < 0.05
1. Based on total daily Energy Expenditure (calories/kg/day). Transportation covers walking and bicycling.
2. Aged 18 and over only. International standard.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Community Health Survey, 2009.
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