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Main industrial sectors' contribution to the percent change in gross domestic product, August 2011

The title of the graph is "Main industrial sectors' contribution to the percent change in gross domestic product, August 2011".
This is a bar clustered chart.
This is a horizontal bar graph, so categories are on the vertical axis and values on the horizontal axis.
There are in total 11 categories in the vertical axis. The horizontal axis starts at -0.1 and ends at 0.4 with ticks every 0.1 points.
There are 1 series in this graph.
The horizontal axis is "percentage points".
The vertical axis is "unknown".
The title of series 1 is "percentage points".
The minimum value is -0.0738726055003211 and it corresponds to "Wholesale".
The maximum value is 0.327242117303515 and it corresponds to "Mining and oil and gas".
This chart has a note which reads "1. Education, health and public administration.".

Main industrial sectors' contribution to the percent change in gross domestic product, August 2011
  percentage points
Others -0.00946754403535065
Public sector¹ 0.00154572147515929
Finance and insurance 0.0881705291455445
Retail 0.0104336199573252
Wholesale -0.0738726055003211
Manufacturing -0.0417988848907658
Construction 0.00650491120796201
Utilities -0.0189994931321663
Mining and oil and gas 0.327242117303515
Agriculture and forestry -0.0017389366595542
All industries 0.288019434871348

1. Education, health and public administration.