Chart 1
Victims of self-reported spousal violence, by most serious form of violence and by sex, 2014

Sexually assaulted, beaten, choked or threatened with a gun or knife¹,² Kicked, bitten, hit or hit with something¹ Pushed, grabbed, shoved or slapped¹ Threatened to hit, threw something 0 10 20 30 40 50 % of spousal violence victims FemalesFemales MalesMales
Statistically significant difference between males and females (p < 0.05).
Use with caution.
Includes legally married, common-law, same-sex, separated and divorced spouses who reported having experienced violence within the five-year period preceding the survey. Data for the territories will be released at a later date.
General Social Survey on victimization (4504).

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Victims of self-reported spousal violence, by most serious form of violence and by sex, 2014, % of spousal violence victims
  Females Males
Sexually assaulted, beaten, choked or threatened with a gun or knife¹,² 34 16
Kicked, bitten, hit or hit with something¹ 10 35
Pushed, grabbed, shoved or slapped¹ 40 31
Threatened to hit, threw something 16 18
Statistically significant difference between males and females (p < 0.05).
Use with caution.
Includes legally married, common-law, same-sex, separated and divorced spouses who reported having experienced violence within the five-year period preceding the survey. Data for the territories will be released at a later date.
General Social Survey on victimization (4504).
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