Chart 3
Number of agricultural operations by operation type, Canada, 2016

Oilseed and grain Beef Other crop Other animal Dairy Fruit and tree nut Greenhouse and nursery Vegetable and melon Poultry and egg Hog and pig Sheep and goat 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 number of operations
CANSIM table 004-0200.

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Number of agricultural operations by operation type, Canada, 2016
  number of operations
Oilseed and grain 63,628
Beef 36,013
Other crop 32,462
Other animal 19,792
Dairy 10,525
Fruit and tree nut 7,845
Greenhouse and nursery 6,449
Vegetable and melon 5,514
Poultry and egg 4,903
Hog and pig 3,305
Sheep and goat 3,056
CANSIM table 004-0200.
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