Chart 2
Goods balances by geographic area

billions of dollars -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 II 2012 III IV I II 2013 III IV I II 2014 III IV I II 2015 III IV I II 2016 III IV I II 2017 United StatesUnited States All other countriesAll other countries All countriesAll countries
Data are seasonally adjusted.
CANSIM table 376-0106.

Chart description

This is a combined line chart.

Goods balances by geographic area, billions of dollars
  United States All other countries All countries
Second quarter 2012 8.139 -12.604 -4.465
Third quarter 2012 8.747 -13.916 -5.169
Fourth quarter 2012 11.225 -13.681 -2.456
First quarter 2013 11.172 -12.928 -1.756
Second quarter 2013 11.192 -12.609 -1.417
Third quarter 2013 12.012 -14.501 -2.489
Fourth quarter 2013 9.663 -12.146 -2.483
First quarter 2014 13.750 -11.886 1.864
Second quarter 2014 14.163 -12.153 2.010
Third quarter 2014 11.997 -10.045 1.952
Fourth quarter 2014 8.779 -10.756 -1.977
First quarter 2015 6.778 -13.448 -6.670
Second quarter 2015 10.049 -15.811 -5.762
Third quarter 2015 9.917 -15.221 -5.304
Fourth quarter 2015 7.212 -12.478 -5.266
First quarter 2016 7.168 -13.893 -6.725
Second quarter 2016 5.314 -16.297 -10.983
Third quarter 2016 8.452 -16.812 -8.360
Fourth quarter 2016 11.436 -11.368 0.068
First quarter 2017 11.924 -13.866 -1.942
Second quarter 2017 10.438 -15.637 -5.199
Data are seasonally adjusted.
CANSIM table 376-0106.
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