Chart 6
Percentage of Aboriginal people aged 25 to 64 by selected levels of educational attainment¹, Canada, 2006 and 2016

Bachelor's degree or higher² College diploma Apprenticeship certificate³ High school diploma No certificate, diploma or degree 0 10 20 30 40 % 20062006 20162016
attainment refers to a person's highest certificate, diploma or degree.
The term 'Bachelor's degree or higher' corresponds to the category 'University certificate, diploma or degree at bachelor level or above' in the 'Highest certificate, diploma or degree' classification.
This category includes those with a Certificate of Apprenticeship, a Certificate of Qualification or a journeyperson's designation. It does not include non-apprenticeship trades certificates.
Statistics Canada, Census of Population, 2006 and 2016.

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Percentage of Aboriginal people aged 25 to 64 by selected levels of educational attainment¹, Canada, 2006 and 2016, %
  2006 2016
Bachelor's degree or higher² 7.7 10.9
College diploma 18.7 23.0
Apprenticeship certificate³ 4.3 5.6
High school diploma 21.4 25.1
No certificate, diploma or degree 34.1 25.6
attainment refers to a person's highest certificate, diploma or degree.
The term 'Bachelor's degree or higher' corresponds to the category 'University certificate, diploma or degree at bachelor level or above' in the 'Highest certificate, diploma or degree' classification.
This category includes those with a Certificate of Apprenticeship, a Certificate of Qualification or a journeyperson's designation. It does not include non-apprenticeship trades certificates.
Statistics Canada, Census of Population, 2006 and 2016.
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