Video: Census: Partners using our data, Part 2

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Census: Partners using our data, Part 2 - Video transcript

(The Statistics Canada symbol and Canada wordmark appear on screen with the title: "Census: Partners using our data, Part 2")

The census is so important because it gives us thousands of fragments of your information about who you are, who I am, and who we are.

It's tracking of commuting patterns is enormously valuable. Not just a snapshot of this year, but a larger picture of how trends change over time.

This type of information is critical in helping to answer some of the many important questions that are being asked in Canada's national housing conversation.

So we can not only quantify how different communities are impacted, but work with them to innovative public policy solutions towards a future where all of us and our kids can have the same shot at making it.

Census data is immensely valuable in detecting trends in Canadian society, as well as providing denominators for rates and percentages of phenomenas.

If we're going to make this country a place that all of us can be proud to live in that is equitable and free, we have to start with the facts.

The census is unique. It gives us a lot more of a rich picture of life in Canada.

With the unquestioned accuracy and credibility of Statistics Canada's census data, we could prove it. So, thank you for all you do.

(The words "Your census, your stories: Canada's portrait." appear onscreen.)