Video - Meet Jean-Pierre Corbeil

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Meet Jean-Pierre Corbeil - Video transcript

(The Statistics Canada symbol and Canada wordmark appear on screen with the title: "Faces of StatCan: A closer look at our exceptional employees! Meet Jean-Pierre Corbeil")

I'm Jean-Pierre Corbeil, I'm one of the Faces of StatCan.

My main area of work at StatCan is demography. My interests in life, well I'm a father of two teenagers, I'm in the business of cycling during the summer and cross-country skiing during the winter. The demographic data that we produce at Statistics Canada is very useful for Canadians, which obviously helps the government and enterprises throughout the country to plan for the future.

The most interesting part of my job is feeling that I'm useful for Canadians and I'm helping them to achieve a better life. Definitely trust. Canadians can trust the data produced by Statistics Canada. I think that that's very important that people have a reliable and trusted source of information, of statistical information.

(Canada wordmark appears.)