Chief Statistician of Canada Infographics Challenge 2017 - Privacy impact assessment


Statistics Canada launched the Chief Statistician of Canada Infographics Challenge on its website as part of an initiative to inspire innovation in how new data are released by Statistics Canada. The purpose of this contest is to engage postsecondary students in the National Capital Region and give them an opportunity to produce innovative infographics designs with Statistics Canada data to enhance the public awareness of Statistics Canada's programs and services.


The objective of the Chief Statistician of Canada Infographics Challenge is to raise public awareness on the importance of statistics in the economic and social development of Canada. Contestants or anyone that may be interested, can visit the Statistics Canada website for detailed information regarding the contest such as eligibility requirements, key dates, etc.

Contestants can also register online and are asked to provide basic personal information. The use of participant's information is strictly limited to the purposes of the contest.


A privacy impact assessment (PIA) for the Chief Statistician of Canada Infographics Challenge was conducted to determine if there were any privacy, confidentiality and security issues associated with the contest, and if so, to make recommendations for their resolution or mitigation.

Risk Area Identification and Categorization

The PIA also identifies the risk areas and categorizes the level of potential risk (level 1 representing the lowest level of potential risk and level 4, the highest) associated with the collection and use of personal information of participants.

  • Type of program or activity – Level 2: Administration of program or activity and services.
  • Type of personal information involved and context – Level 1: Only personal information, with no contextual sensitivities, collected directly from the individual or provided with the consent of the individual for disclosure under an authorized program.
  • Program or activity partners and private sector involvement – Level 1: Within the institution.
  • Duration of the program or activity – Level 2: Short-term program or activity.
  • Program population – Level 3: The program's use of personal information for external administrative purposes affects certain individuals.
  • Personal information transmission – Level 4: The personal information is transmitted using wireless technologies.
  • Technology and privacy: This activity does not involve the implementation of a new electronic system or the use of a new application or software, does not require any modifications to information technology (IT) legacy systems or the implementation of new technologies.
  • Privacy breach: There is a very low risk of a breach of some of the personal information being disclosed.


This assessment of the Chief Statistician of Canada Infographics Challenge did not identify any privacy risks that cannot be managed using existing safeguards.

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